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DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Percy Jackson or Heroes of Olympus series Uncle Rick (Rick Riordan) does I only own the plot and Atalanta. I repeat everything from PJO and HOO belongs to Uncle Rick.


It was the second day on the Argo II. Nothing major had happened. We had a couple of attacks but it was always when I was asleep.

I was sitting in my room unable to sleep. I kept on having an urge to just... Jump. I gave in, the urge was too powerful. I jumped. The most extraordinary thing happened. I just stayed in the air! I jumped again. My head hit the ceiling. "Ow!" I exclaimed, maybe too loudly because a second later Piper came running in. She saw me and screamed. Everyone came running in (except Leo because he was driving the ship) at that moment they all saw me and the boys gasped and the girls screamed. "Oh come on. You think me hovering is weird but not a boy who can turn into animals! No offence Frank."

"None taken" Percy decided to lift me down.

"We do think Franks ability is a bit weird. No offence Frank, but we just didn't know you could do that." Percy explained.

"I'm going above decks now anyway." I stated "See you later."

I was standing on deck with Leo, I wanted to learn how to talk to Festus. I laughed as Festus creaked and whirred I could understand the basics "The dog is on fire." Festus whirred as loud as he could. Leo and I were laughing our heads of at other things he said when it happened... We looked at Festus then Black was all I could see.

#%#%#%##% DREAM #%#%#%#

I was chained against a wall. All my friends were fighting of an army of things with 6 arms. "Percy, Nico, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Jason, Leo! Guys! Can you hear me?!" I shouted

"They can't hear you..." A horrible woman's voice said, no doubt it was Gaia "Apart from the son of the smith god." She spat the last word out like it tasted bad, it probably did to her

"Leo?" I asked

"Yes yes that one..." I wanted to punch her and suddenly the room went dark. I looked down. My clenched fists spewed light from the cracks between my fingers "Ahh... Yes that is one of your powers. Now stop clenching your fists..." I did so and I was radiating light so it looked like daylight.

#%#%#%#%#END DREAM#%#%#%#%#%#%

"ATALANTA!!! ATALANTA!!!" It was Leo I opened my eyes. I expected to see the sky but I saw black. it must have been nighttime "What is it?!" I moaned

"Err... You were kinda glowing in your sleep." He replied. I laughed I knew Leo wouldn't lie "Shhhh!" Leo whispered

"Ok, ok... Where in Hades are we though!?" I said

"If we were in Hades I'd say his gym short-"

"Just get to the point!" I snapped

"Gaia's lair." He muttered

"Oh gods." I tried to get up and realised my feet were chained to the ground "Oh gods, oh gods OH GODS!" I screamed

"Calm down Atalanta! Gods I'm gonna have to talk aren't I?" And so he told me about his life, how his mother died, Calypso and all his quests with Percy and the others. Now it was my turn. I told him how I had been on the streets my whole life, how I met Fílos and the 'Chimera' as Chiron had called the monster thing. Then I realised what he was wearing "Leo," I laughed "Look at your shirt!" His shirt was brown and said 'Gaia's Little Toy.' Written on it

"Not so bad yourself!" Mine was the same but had 'Gaia's Little Sacrifice' on it

"Mine's not as funny as yours" I pouted

"Er, Atalanta," Leo murmured changing the subject "You can't tell anyone about Calypso, especially Percy."

"Wh-" I was cut off by a woman's face appearing in the dirt. "Gaia." I snarled

"Ahh, my little sacrifices! How are you!?"

"Like you care." I replied

"Oh I do, 10 days till the feast of Spes, and you have to be in tip-top condition for then!"

"You mean, we're the sacrifices?" Leo asked "Why didn't you take the more powerful ones like Percy and Hazel?"

"You are more powerful that you think, Valdez, and I took you because you were more easy to get hold of." She stated in her gravelly voice

"Well, thanks for being honest." I muttered

"Yes, I was honest. Anyway I have some work for you." Gaia said "I will leave you to your supervisor." And with that, she was gone. A hiss woke me out of my trance. Then a spider walked up to me. And I'm not talking like a daddy longlegs or one of those spiders that you find on the window frames of pubs, but a 6-foot-tall tarantula. I'm not scared of spiders, but this one seriously freaked me out. I couldn't imagine what Annabeth would do if she saw it. "I am Ariadne, your supervisor.'' She said, her voice was like silk, with lots of layers "I am going to tell you your job." She dumped a load of silk beside me then spun a line of silk near my face. "You weave like this." She said

She showed us how to weave over then under, across then over "Ok, but why are we making this?" I asked

"Mother wants a new dress for when she wakes, so we are making the silk." She replied Leo and I got to work, every hour or so (it was hard to tell in a dark cavern) one of us would have a break to cool off, but never Ariadne, she worked like a factory on her side of the line, miles ahead of us, weaving and sighing sometimes muttering something under her breath. Finally, Ariadne said we could sleep. We collapsed on the ground and slept, deeply.

😋😄 so, do you like it?

I will do some Percy, Frank, Jason, Nico, Annabeth, Piper and Hazel P.O.V.s just because we need to know what they're doing!

By the way, I am British so if you are American and don't know why I say mUm, there.


The Forbidden Demigod. (A Percy Jackson fanfic) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now