Chapter 6 - Found Out (not!)

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Timeskip to Monday morning


I slowly got out of my futon, dreading the next few hours. The events of last night were still fresh in my mind. I knew that facing her and talking could give me away, but I had to get a point across that the pervert and his hidden dragon owe me a favor. It still kinda angered me that Issei got injured and Rias was able to resurrect him. My goal was to save him before he was killed, but I was too late. But, it put my mind at ease that at least I showed myself to another supernatural being.

After completing my morning routine, I started to head over to school. On the way there, I saw Issei and Rias walking hand in hand. Naturally, I followed them since all three of us were going the school. As we got closer, there were many evident signs of shock from both male and female students. I couldn't agree more with them.

'What does she even see in him other than the dragon? And I bet my ass that all the perv is thinking about is how to get some sexy time with her'

'Amen Y/N. I'm also gonna say this: If Issei didn't have a Sacred Gear, then Rias wouldn't even bat an eyelash in his direction.'

Heh, it looks like right now is one of the rare-but-not-so-rare moments where me and Emynth agree wholeheartedly on something.

After getting inside school grounds, the two finally separated, and I decided to head over to my class. I hoped that it would take Rias a while to figure out that the mysterious figure with two swords was me. But, you can never know with devils, they're almost as unpredictable as fallen angels. Almost. Anyways, as long as no other devils approach me, I should be fine.


At last! Lunch time, my favorite part of the school day. I mean, at what other time do you get free time to eat and mingle around the school?

When I arrived at the lunchroom, I saw that it was packed, so I decided to have a change in pace, and eat lunch outside. I found a spot under a Sakura tree in the school courtyard. As I was enjoying my steamed pork bun, I saw a familiar trio of boys crowding next to a nearby building. Judging from what I know about one of them, I suspected that they were peeping in on some girls. I sighed in annoyance. Looks like someone needs a beating.

While the Perverted Trio were busy peeping in on whatever they were peeping in on, I slowly snuck up behind them. They didn't notice me even though I was literally close enough to touch them. Seems like their. . .obsession with the female body was more severe than I thought.

And so, that is the reason I was able to knock all three of them out with a single blow to each of their necks, without any of the others noticing. Afterwards, I dragged them to the door of the building and knocked on the door. I could here a voice respond from the other side. It sounded female. It seems guess was right, the trio was peeping in on girls.

Eventually, the door opened to reveal a girl who was dressed in what appeared to be Kendo outfits, only without the armor. The girl slightly blushed when she saw that it was a boy who knocked.

"May I help you?" she asked.

"Sorry to bother you miss, but. . ." I then motioned towards the three unconscious boys. "I found these three perverts crowded around what appeared to be a whole in your wall."

Almost immediately the girl's face turned red in embarrassment, but then twisted in anger.

"GIRLS!!" she shouted.

Suddenly, a whole troop of girls wielding Kendo shinais appeared behind the first girl. When I looked at her, she seemed to have dead look in her eye, but she radiated pure hate, and when she spoke, her voice was like dry ice. Hell, even I was slightly shocked to see her like this.

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