Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to Dianne Pablo

A/N: You guys liking it so far…? I really hope you do loves ^_^ and holy crackers and peanuts! I just wanna thank all you people reading my fan fic! I really appreciate it! Please fill free to drop anything in my comment box, yeah? I’m thinking if I should still be updating this… So comment if I should, yeah? Okay. I’ll stop babbling. ENJOY –elaine.

Chapter 3

***Ella’s POV***

I woke up with my head throbbing. What happened last night? All I could remember was… Holy cow, I almost got run over! Someone saved me, but I could not remember who it was though. All I saw was those beautiful, blue eyes. I sorta thought that was Louis, but that would be impossible. I looked around and noticed, this wasn’t my bed, and this wasn’t my room. This wasn’t my apartment whatsoever. Where am I? Did someone kidnap me? Was someone holding me for hostage? Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! I gotta get out of here! Calm down Ella, calm down. I looked around once more. If someone were to hold me captive, I surely didn’t expect to be held here. It was a magnificent room. There was a beautiful chandelier hanging in the middle of the room. There was a big flat screen T.V in the front of the room. Don’t get me started on the bathroom. It was HUGE. This room was royalty, but it also had that homey feeling. Where was I exactly? I heard a knock.

I froze. It knocked again. I didn’t dare open it. I quickly hid in the shower hoping he wouldn’t find me. I searched for something, a weapon maybe. Just something I could use to hit him. All I found was soap. This was a greaaat weapon. I could hear the door open, footsteps coming straight for me. It was coming right at me and all I had was soap. Focus Ella. The shower curtains opened and I hit him in the head. Bullseye.

“OW!” He complained. Hey, I know that voice. “First I saved your life, carried you all the way here, and this is what I get?!” I looked up and stared at those beautiful eyes I saw that night. I was caught staring and he grinned. “Like what you see?” He winked. I felt my cheeks burning. It was Louis Tomlinson. “Where-where am I?” I asked as my heart was thumping. I had to take a deep breath just to calm it down. “Well love, you passed out after I saved you and I couldn’t stand just leaving you there, so I decided to take you home with me.” This can’t be real. I’m talking to THE Louis Tomlinson! The person I threw the soap at… Whoops. I bit my lip and rubbed my eyes to see if I was still dreaming or something. Nope, it was all real.

“Oh, sorry about hitting you in the head with the soap…” I muttered, face blushing, I was completely embarrassed.

“I heard screaming!” I looked over to see Liam Payne, with a fork…? What the…? I rubbed my eyes again and pinched myself hoping this really was a dream. Then again, it wasn’t. “Oh, you’re finally up. Hello love.” He said as he smiled at me.

“Umm… er- hi.” I said. No way! Two-fifth of One Direction is actually talking to me right now, oh my gosh! Keep your calm. Try not to fangirl now… “What’s with all the ruckus?” He asked. “Oh that? I umm… sorta… HitLouisInTheHeadWithASoapBecauseIThoughtHeWasAKidnapper…?” I said, hoping they wouldn’t understand. Too late, they heard every word. They were literally rolling on the ground laughing. I rolled my eyes as they settled down. “If there really was a kidnapper, why would they hold you captive in a place like this?” Liam said, still cracking up. “That’s what I said…” I could feel cheeks blushing. I looked away. But behind me I could see Louis. I gazed in his beautiful eyes once again. He was wearing rubber ducky pajamas. I giggled. He actually looked good in it. I shook my head. ELLA, SNAP OUT OF IT.

“So… Where’s Denise?” I wondered where she was. “Oh, your friend, she’s in the room right next to you. Thought you two could spend the night here at our place.” Louis said, grinning. “Well, I should probably go, love. I’m a bit hungry.” Liam said giving me the sweetest smile I’ve ever seen. “WAIT, Liam I’m a bit curious. If there really was an intruder or something like that, your choice of weapon would be a… fork?” I asked, I was a bit serious. I mean, really? A fork? It was his turn to blush, oh yeah. Score one for Ella. I heard Louis laughing from behind. “Er… yeah, about that… It was the first thing I saw alright?!” He said a bit embarrassed. I laughed quietly. “I like her.” Louis said. WAIT, WHAT? WHAT DID HE SAY? “So do I.” Liam grinned. I froze. Not knowing what else to say.

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