Another letter to "the one"

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Sunday, July 15, 1:43am
Damn how tf did we end up here. Like one second we're all ily's and then we go to not even talking. Well i know how. But im not truly sure why. I did mean everything and i hope u meant it, i mean it seemed like u did. U know sometimes i get the urge to call u and sometimes walk to ur house to talk or whatever maybe even just to see u for like a few seconds probably before u close the door. Maybe it really wasnt meant to be even though it kind of felt like it maybe its just life playing a whole damn trick but its whatever i should be over it and i am but someone like u who has affected me the way u have is just something i cant forget even with my bad memory. Maybe when i get back home i go to yours and knock on ur door just to say thank you for all the positive ways you've affected me and that if this is the way it's suppose to end that ill accept it. It kinda sucks that it had to end, you really did bring me soooo much happiness i mean i went from a emo shit head to a happy lil bean so yea🤷🏽‍♀️ thats all ive got to say rn   so peace my dood✨
—Long lost one😬

This is 100% unedited for u know   just wanted to keep it real

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