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...The original Cinderella novel was written in French by Charles Perrault in 1697, 
322 years ago...  

This story has survived countless retellings and dozens of adaptations.  I hope to add one more to that long list, with this reworking of it.  Let me take you with me and experience the life lessons in this 15th-century classic fairytale about romance and love, loyalty, trust, courtship,  chivalry and mercy.


If there were ever a desperate heart, it pounded in the chest of Fourth. He was consumed and in love but he couldn't find the man who was causing his pain.

There were other forces at work here,  people who would see them torn apart.

Beam had slipped from his fingers and he took with him, Fourth's hopes and dreams.

An exhaustive search was underway. Fourth would not stop until he could hold his love again.


...someone I love, once said to me:...

"There is no shortage of those who want to believe in magic in our modern age of technology. We modern boys and girls dream and need magic in our modern lives. Romance doesn't have anything to do with cell phones and pocketbooks.

 All we need to do is open our eyes and minds and let magic help us see the love that is meant for us."


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A boy called Beam grew up with his own idea and version of the world, or what it should be. The world he believed in, had an itty-bitty bit of magic.

In his mother and father's eyes, he was heaven and earth combined. He was God's gift to them.

In reality, Beam's world was very small. He had the house, the garden and his best friend, his dog Chewy.

Best friends can talk for hours and Beam did just that. His mother would find him and Chewy under a shrub or playing by the water fountain in the centre of the flowerbeds. The pup would bark in reply to the boy's questions and Beam would nod and hug him in agreement.

One sunny and warm day, under that shrub with all its flowers in bloom, she heard Beam ask Chewy when daddy was coming home. Chewy barked of course, and Beam sounded sad when he told his furry friend that... "Mommy says soon."

Warit, Beam's dad, was a prosperous man and his enterprise took him all over the world, but his heart was always at home. He never stayed an extra day away, no matter how tired he was. The instant his work had concluded, he was on his way back to his beautiful wife and his pride, his son.


A bright and curious boy, he wanted to know what everything was outside of the gate at the end of their driveway. 

He came to know because Beam went on short trips with his mother to the market and to a kitchen where she served food, every day.

He loved this time and would hold her hand. Beam asked a thousand questions on these short excursions; his mother would patiently answer them all in her sweet and loving voice.

He was so young and yet his mother felt he comprehended her fully when she answered his one peculiar question. Beam had asked her why they served food.

He did grasp her meaning, and would carry her words with him for the rest of his life. She told Beam... "We have everything and some have nothing."

Beam would always remember that she touched his chest with her hand and said: "If you have a heart, you do something."


All of Beam's best memories were of the days when his dad would come home. These would be the nights when both parents tucked him in. These were the times when it would be the three of them together, just being a family.

Dad always brought home great stories of his travels. He would tell them to the boy and his mother in cartoonish voices.  He would describe the funny people he'd met.

The present his father would bring was always a highlight. Beam would get a trinket or a game or a book. His mother would get a pin and sometimes earrings.

When he was older and looked back on these things, Beam saw that he was never happier.


Even in the most perfect families, where there is plenty of love, sadness and sorrow can come.

This was true for Beam when his mother fell ill and was taken to her bed.

He was only allowed to visit her when the nurse said it was ok. Beam would lay his head on her chest and listen to her heart. He would fall asleep there and wake later in his own bed.

For a boy so small, there was no reckoning the time that had passed during this illness, but one day seemed different from the rest. His mom pulled him close and peered into his eyes. She told him that she had to whisper. What she was going to tell him was the secret to happiness, and that it would help him all of his coming life.

Beam was told to have courage. He was told to always be kind. His mother said he was the best boy in the world and that doing these things would give him power and magic.

He had never questioned her sincerity; Beam believed every syllable that his mother said. The boy repeated the word back to her: "Magic?"

She nodded and hugged him. She made Beam promise.


Child or adult, none of us is ever prepared to lose our mother. Beam would suffer this far too young. Dazed and tired, he held his father's hand as they walked away from the temple dressed in black.


Time passes and grief turns to memory. Beam grew and at eighteen,  he'd become a young man.

His father changed too,  and when he came to Beam to ask permission to remarry, Beam could only remember the promises he'd made to his mom.

If he was going to put his pledge into practice, he would have to start here with his own father. Beam didn't want his dad to be lonely. He knew that feeling well enough himself.

He couldn't tell if his father was truly in love with the woman he was describing,  or if companionship was enough to satisfy his father's heart.  

His dad tempted him,  the proposal came with two brothers. Beam was delighted with the idea of having company when his father was away.


FanFiction adaptation by Kramdrof,  all rights reserved,  January 2019

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