Chapter 7. Forthcoming

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Twenty minutes before Forth arrived for the date,  everyone was busy cleaning up.  Cc did the mopping.  Pear and Neet did the dishes.  Maw put the food away, she placed the dry goods order, and Beam,  Beam got nervous and started freaking out.

"I'm a mess.  I probably smell of fried basil.  And oh,  my shirt is stained,  oy,  my shorts too."  Beam was rubbing a sauce splash with a damp cloth.  "Forth probably wants to go somewhere expensive and fancy.  What should I do?"

Beam's girl gang jumped into action.  Plume told Beam to go to the bathroom and wash up.  She asked Neet to run next door to the thrift shop and pick out a new shirt and shorts for him.

When he started to argue that he shouldn't be taking the donated items and said they were meant for people who really needed them,  Maw told him he could donate them back tomorrow if he felt that guilty about it.  "Don't be silly Nong.   None of those things would be here if it weren't for you."  '

Maw waved and told Neet to go.  The girl had stopped when Beam started to object.

Pear began digging in her purse and pulled out a comb and a small tube of coconut hair wax.  She said it would not only make his hair shiny,  but that it smelled really nice.

Several options were tried.  Beam put on and off at least five shirts.  No one kept count of the number of pants he fitted.

When Forth pulled up in his fancy car, they were all proud.  Beam looked devilishly handsome and in their eyes,  adorable.

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For a young man who was about to turn twenty-five in only a few more days,  Beam was dismayed to find that he could be turned on by the way someone held their chopsticks and ate.

Forth looked so at ease as he smiled and they comfortably talked,  one after the other.  He was dressed casually too, and that part was nearly shocking.  Beam couldn't take his eyes off of Forth's soft, bleached and worn blue-jeans.  He even got the chance to touch them when they were in the car.  Forth had reached over and pulled his hand,  he rested it on his thigh as Forth told Beam how good he looked.  "Did you have time to go home and change?"

"Ah,  no P',  I cleaned up a bit at work."

"Hmm,  you clean up nice."  Forth blew a kiss.

"I thought you were one of those guys that wear a suit even when you're at home P'.  I bet you wear a tie when you have dinner with your mom and dad."

"No, really?  Are you joking?  I'm a shorts and t-shirt kinda guy."

"You will be able to tell when I'm joking P'.  I was serious."

Beam didn't think that Forth was consciously trying to touch him so deeply in his heart.  He reached with his chopsticks and put one of the wontons from his soup on the edge of Beam's plate.  When Beam looked at it and then up to Forth,  Forth picked it up again and fed it to him.  "Is it good?"

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