Chapter 4. Go Forward Men

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He scared the life out of her.  Bonni had her phone in her hand and was on the verge of dialling the police when Forth stepped in the front door and kicked off his shoes.

The house was like fort-Knox with its security cameras,  perimeter lasers,  alarms and codes.  After almost a year of living in it,  technology-zombie Bonni,  still didn't know half of its capabilities.  

When she saw the unexpected man walking up the drive and toward the main entrance,  she didn't recognize him as her own son.

"Oh, oh my,  it's you."  She held both hands and the phone over her heart.

Forth dropped his bag and hurried to his mother.  He put his arms around her.

"What's wrong?  Mom,  are you alright?"

"I'm fine sweetie,  but you scared me.  Why are you coming in the front?  Where is your car?"

Bonni was still hugging him, but she lifted her head from his shoulder and stared directly in his eyes.  "You look really sharp today.  This has something to do with Nong'Beam,  doesn't it?"  She'd learned the boy's name when Forth excitedly told her, the same day he found it out.

Forth let her go and started to remove his jacket.  His mom took it from his shoulders and folded it over her arm.  

"Yes,  Beam,  it's about Nong'Beam."  

Forth's smile was on fire.  "I walked him home tonight."  

Forth abruptly lowered his voice to an almost whisper.  "Where's dad?"

"Don't worry, he had an appointment with the caterer.  Your dad is giving them their deposit and..."  Bonnie rolled her eyes.  "He's adding more food.  You said you invited all your university friends with your phone and I told him you wanted a hundred envelope invites just for yourself.  He wants to make sure there's enough."

Forth sighed with relief.  Not about his father adding food,  but rather, that he wasn't home yet. 



"I'm in big trouble."  

"What?  Really?"

Forth put up both palms.  "Nothing bad,  I just mean that Nong'Beam is so much nicer than I imagined."

"This Beam person must be very charming for you to say that.  Did he tell you whether he can make it to your party sweetie?"

"I don't know yet.  He said it's complicated because of the kitchen's anniversary and because so many of the patrons look forward to his birthday."  

Forth bobbed his head side to side.  "I think there's still time to figure something out."  

It made Bonni happy to hear him sounding so positive.  

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