7| Christine x Reader

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Your P.O.V.

I walked into the school cafeteria. I ate my sandwich silently as I swim in my thoughts.

Prom was in 2 weeks. I was hoping I would score a date for the dance, but the chances of that happening were slim to none. I didn't "fit in" with the kids in my grade. Throughout the school year, I jumped back and forth between different social groups. I didn't like a lot of the kids in my school. Except for Christine Canigula.

She's my dream girl. She's the only one that makes school tolerable. Life would be so much easier if I could just be with her.

The problem is, I'm no match for her. She has tons of guys chasing after her. She could easily pick any of them, like Jake, over me. I'm an ugly, slob and a hopeless romantic. She saw me as nothing more than a mutual friend and a fellow classmate.

That doesn't stop me from chasing after her. As soon as I saw her beautiful name being scribbled on the Drama Class sign-up sheet, I knew exactly what I wanted to do.

Once Christine walked off, I ran towards the school's bulletin board. I searched for space under my crush's name and wrote my name down.

I wasn't usually one to perform. I loved theatre so much, but I'd decided to admire it from a distance. Now, I need to be part of it! This could be my only chance with Christine. I smiled to myself as I handed the pen over to a boy on my left, who I assumed to be Jeremy Heere, who wrote his name under mine.

As I walked away, a chorus of laughter erupted. I turned around to see the popular kids pointing and calling Jeremy names. I felt bad for the boy but decided against saying something, as I knew I could easily fall victim to the cruel bullying.

I went off to my next class as the bell signifying lunch was over went off.


I walked into the school's small theatre. A handful of the popular kids were sitting in the back. I found it ironic that they were here, considering they had shaken the poor Jeremy Heere. Nearer to the stage, sat non-other than Christine---and Jeremy. I figured we'd been chasing the same girl.

I took a seat 2 rows behind Jeremy and Christine. I didn't want to seem more like a creep than the others thought I was. I didn't necessarily want to sit close to the popular kids either, but between sitting with them and looking like a freak, I'd choose sitting with them. Mr. Reyes stormed into the classroom, an un-opened hot-pocket in his hand, catching the attention of all the students.

"OH Thank god the popular students have arrived---Hello everyone!" Mr. Reyes cheered, "I've been dreaming of the day I get to stage William Shakespeare's classic: A Midsummer Night's Dream-"

"Yes!" Christine yelled holding onto her books tightly, but Mr. Reyes interrupts her briefly, "And today that dream dies."

"What?" Christine questions as her shoulders slump down in distraught.

"The school has informed me that unless I can increase our popularity, our funds will be diverted to the...Frisbee...Golf...team" he explained," this is why our production will be set not in the pastoral forest, but the post-apocalyptic future..."

"You can't do that!" I shouted from the back, speaking up for the first time.

"No no no don't you care about Shakespeare?" Christine yelled as she got up from her seat.

Mr. Reyes embraced her and said, "The man is dead let it go...Hot-pocket break!"

Mr. Reyes left the room, and so did a bunch of other kids. I stayed behind, not bothering with a water break or anything. I slipped into the row behind Christine. Jake had talked to her earlier, and Jeremy had left the room as well, so I saw this as an opportunity to talk to her more.

"So uh...what role are you hoping to get?" I say, trying to strike up a conversation.

"Oh, I would love to play Puck! It would be so fun! I'm not really sure how it'll turn out, since the change of the plot, but I'm so excited for costumes but scared too---I don't want to be stuck with itchy, cheap costumes..." she rambled on about how unfair the school is. I held onto every word she said, making sure I didn't miss anything.

"I'm sure you'll get the role, Christine..." I said with a smile plastered across my face. I coughed and looked down when I realised I must look like an idiot.

"Hey, why not you come over to my house one day? It seems like we'll be stuck together for quite some time...I don't want to hang out with those other girls..."

My heart skipped a beat. Christine? Asking me to come to her house? No. It's just a playdate, right? Girls hang out all the time. It's nothing special.

"Uhm y-yeah! That'd be coolio...heh..." I rubbed the back of my head awkwardly, scolding myself for saying "coolio".

My stomach was doing backflips as I sat in my original seat.


Rehearsal had been going all right. The popular kids, of course, were being troublesome and were dragging the cast behind, but watching Christine perform was great. She truly is passionate about theatre and Shakespeare. She landed the role of Puck, knowing all the lines even before we got into rehearsal. I was fortunate enough to get the role of Helena, all thanks to Christine's tips. As rehearsal hours grew longer, I grew closer to Christine. I was starting to believe that maybe, just maybe I could get a chance with her. At the least, we could go to the dance together, as best friends.

"So about that hangout..." Christine said during our break,"Tomorrow?"

"Certainly!" I giggled," Uhm, do you need me to bring anything?"

"No," she smiled before getting back on stage.


Christine had given me her address, and I had walked slowly to her house. I decided that today was going to be the day I ask Christine to the dance. I shakily held a small poster in my hand that read "Prom?". It was lame, but it was the best I could whip up in a few hours. I walked up to Christine's doorstep. I rung the doorbell once, before bracing myself. It took a while before I could hear a faint, "coming!" from behind the door. I held the poster in front of my chest and puffed out my chest. I gave the biggest smile I could ever give as the front door opened. There stood Christine, covered in fairy lights, holding a poster.

It read: Will you be the Hermia to my Lysander?

A/N: Hope you liked this! I'm fairly proud of this, it was a prompt I've had since January, I just didn't know how to elaborate on it. Would you guys be interested in a part 2?

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