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It was around about 2am and the boys have watched their football and i thought they all went to bed but i could hear someone down in the kitchen. I was trying to sleep but i kept having nightmares and horrible thoughts.

What if its a robber?! What if they want to come get you?! What if they have a weapon?!

Anxiety hit.

I heard footsteps coming up the creaky stairs and i turned my bedside lamp off. I watch as my bedroom door handle turned and there was... Alfie.

"Alfie?!" i said whispering but glad it wasnt a robber!

"What are you doing awake at this time, little one?" Alfie asked while he sat at the end of my bed wearing just grey joggers and a white vest, i guessed her had borrowed them off Joe.

"I'm normally awake every hour, I have alot of trouble sleeping." i replied.

"Why are you awake every hour?" Alfie asked looking confused.

"Nightmares." i replied looking down at the floor in embarassment.

"I used to get alot of nightmares too." he said giving me a sympathetic smile.

Me and Alfie sat up for ages talking and when i finally checked the time it was 5am. Alfie and i were sitting up in my single bed with our backs agains the headboard.

"Maybe we should try to get some sleep." Alfie said while giving me a side smile.

"How can i sleep, when i dont have dreams. I just have nightmares." I said back, giving him a sad face and he pulled me close to his chest.

I remember falling asleep in Alfie's arms with my head on his chest with has arms wrapped around me and i could hear his heart beating.

Before i fell asleep, i heard Alfie whisper something to me.

"Nightmares can be scary. But so is the world. Just remember that a nightmare can't touch you. It can't get you. And if you ever feel like its touching you, Just call for me."

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