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Doctor Anderson was just about to start talking when my dad and Joe burst through the door.

"Zoe! Your awake! Thank God!" Joe said happily and shocked.

"Oh Zoe, you gave me a heart attack!" My dad said. "We'll be having a chat later!" He said looking crossed.

"Mr Sugg? I was just about to tell Zoe about her injury and help that will be given." While the doctor was talking infront of my bed, my dad listened carefully wiith Alfie standing up, while Joe sat next to Louise.

"Ms Sugg, what you did to yourself was a very serious matter and we can't take a thing like that easily, we will have to give you special help, phsically and mentally. I assume you were trying to commit suicide and you could have succeded if you stuck the knife in harder, but luckily, you didn't. I want to put you on some medication and want you to drink lots and lots of water and also I will send in people to help you everyday and talk to you." The doctor said while looking through his notes as he spoke and then he proceeded.

"We will have to supervise you while you take your medication, for health matters and of course for what happened earlier." The doctor said.

"Yeh, i get it." I said shyly.

"Thank you so much doctor!" My dad said while shaking his hand.

"No bother Mr Sugg, i will leave you all to it and will be back soon to check on you Zoe." The Doctor said with a little smile and he quickly exited my room.

"Jesus Zoe." Joe said gobsmacked. "You gave me such a fright!"

"I'm sorry." I said looking at him, I didn't know he would be that upset.

Louise had to leave to go back to North Hampton and Joe offered to take her home. So it was just me, Alfie and my dad.

"Zoe, you do realise how serious this is?" My dad said.

"I know, I just had a moment of weakness." I said trying to be strong.

Alfie gave me a long stare, knowing that what i had just said wasn't true. It was not a moment of weakness, it was my escape.

"I just don't know what i would do without you. When Joe called i just couldn't imagine you not being there, my little Zoe." He said almost in tears.

"Oh Dad. Please don't cry." I said crying aswell.

"Thank you so much Alfie, for saving my little girl." My dad said turning to Alfie and giving him a hug.

"I'm just glad she's safe." Alfie replied, hugging my dad back and then patting his back.

After this my dad and Alfie started talking about me and Joe when we were younger, it was funny but i ended up drifting off to sleep, listening to my loving fathers voice and Alfie's soothing manly voice.


I awoke with a scream and sweat dripping from my forehead and Alfie lifting his head off my lap with a look of alert.

"What is it? What happened!" He said looking around the room and then to me.

"I- I just had a nightmare.." I replied trying to even out my breaths.

"Oh Zoe, It's okay, your fine!" He said giving me a side smile.

"Where is everyone?" I asked looking around the room for my dad or Joe.

"Well, It's 4am in the morning, so your dad had to leave hours ago and Joe came to pick him up and they went back home to get you some of your stuff, because the doctor said you'd be here a while. The doctor said one person was allowed to stay, so I did. I couldn't bare to leave you like this." He said holding my hand.

"Aww Alfie your such a gentleman!" I said jokingly.

"Well, You know me." He replied joking.

"Earlier when i told you i loved you, i meant it, you know that right?" Alfie said raising his eyebrow and holding onto both of my hands.

"Yeh, i know." I said giving him a cheecky smile. "I love you too, i meant that. When I was about to kill myself, I thought about everyone, Dad, Louise, Joe, you... I thought no one would care and that was another reason to kill myself. When I woke up in the hospital, you all reacted in a different way than i thought, You were all sad and i thought you would be happy." I told Alfie, while a tear fell from my eye.

"I can't believe you would think that no one cared. I nearly lost you, my life would have been over." He said with tears in his eyes.

"Nearly losing you really made me think, i can't wait around expecting to heal on my own, i can't keep pushing everyone away. I can't not be with you. I love you Alfie, i really do." I said happy to let it all out.

"Well, Zoe. I can't be without you either. I love you Zoe, Would you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?" He said with a grin.

"Of course!" I said with a huge smile and he lept off his seat onto the bed and hugged me tightly.

Alfie lay in the single bed with me until i fell asleep in his arms. I do love Alfie. I know Alfie loves me too.

There comes a time, when you need to do what's right, not just for yourself but for others. I only thought about myself when I was about to kill myself, I thought of everyone being negitive about my death when actually they would have been lost. I know i need help, I know Alfie will take care of me, I know that it will take a while for me to be happy and 'normal' again. Knowing I have Dad, Joe, Louise and Alfie behind me, makes me feel like i can do it. I can do anything. I used to feel alone and think that only four people cared. When actually the four people that cared are all i need, you don't always need a group of people around you, if you have at least one person that bring out your good side and can make you happy, that's all that matters and you will heal. You just have to let them in.

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