Chapter 1

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Hi!! So this is a collab book by AbsotivelyPosilutely (who changes her username A LOT) and Loolieabc. It first started out kinda as a sequel to Gabbie and Hannah's story (in which they do have different names), which is kinda porno and was written by Loolieabc and 2 of our friends as a joke. Not gonna say the name but if you find it, consider your health before you read it. So that's how this began but we decided it should be its own story as the first book was not a serious idea and, again, was kinda a joke. So we made a new account and started this story on it. If you see <3 at the end of a chapter, it means AbsotivelyPosilutely (you might come to know me as G) wrote it, and if you see ~#~, it was Loolieabc (aka Loolieabc). Some chapters will have been contributed to by both of us, and you'll be able to tell when you get to them. Sorry for the long intro, and please enjoy April's story!!! BTW: Thank you SO MUCH @stereoactive for making this amazing cover! :D


"Wow Hannah. This house is just as amazing as when we first bought it" exclaimed Gabbie to Hannah as they sat on the couch in their living room. Once they had graduated they both moved out together, this was a while ago though. Gabbie had long wavy brown hair while Hannah had straight dirty-blonde hair. They both had blue eyes. They had adopted a daughter named April and she was now 16, in tenth grade, and sitting in her room.

April had curly red hair and straight bangs. Her eyes were brown, sporting long thick lashes. Currently she was on the phone with her best friend Skye.

Skye had long straight blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Right now April was obsessing over her new crush: Destery Withers. He arrived at the school not that long ago. He had long black hair and brown eyes. Plus April was head over heels for him. "OMG I think Destery smiled at me today! Eek! I mean, even his name sounds dreamy. I don't understand why he hangs out with the 'popular' kids and we're classified as losers," complained April with a sigh. "Yeah yeah, I get it the struggle is real. Can we PLEASE just do something besides me listening to you fangirl over Destery?" asked Skye through the phone. "You know what? Sure. Meet me at the park in 5 and we'll head to that new bowling alley for a Destery-free afternoon," promised April. "Sounds good. See you then," replied Skye as she hung up. April quickly smoothened down her bangs and rushed downstairs.

She was about to burst through the door so she wouldn't be late to meet Skye but then her mother Gabbie called her. "April, come here for a minute, we just wanna talk to you," she said softly. April ran and jumped onto the couch. The park was only a 2 minute walk but she didn't wanna be late. "Yes moms?" April asked in a hurry. "We noticed how you aren't wearing any makeup," commented Hannah as she studied April's face. "So what? I'm just not a girly girl," April said as she eyed the door. "How are you going to attract the right girl if you walk around like you don't care?" asked Gabbie, concerned for her daughter. April sighed. They had had this conversation a million times before. "Moms, I told you! I'm straight!" April almost whined at them. "How many times have I told you? I'm not lesbian like you! I'm NOT like you! I love you guys, but I gotta go," April sighed as she ran out the door. She had one minute to make it.

April arrived at the park one minute late. She panted as she looked around and noticed Skye at a park bench, humming to herself. She noticed April panting and ran up to her. "Jeez April, are you alright!?" asked Skye with a laugh. April smiled. "I'm fine. My moms gave me 'the lecture' again so I had to run so I wasn't late," April wheezes as she cracked her back turned to face Skye. "It's fine. To the bowling alley!" Skye exclaimed, pointing towards the new Bowling Alley down the street. They both linked arms and made their way there.

"Ack! These shoes are impossible to put on!" grunted Skye as she attempted to squeeze on her bowling shoes. April laughed, she had been wearing her shoes for about 5 minutes waiting for Skye. Eventually Skye gave up and flopped on the floor. "A little help here?" she asked as she lay on the floor. April rolled her eyes and smiled as she went over and quickly put on Skye's shoes for her. They then bounced over to their alley and started to play. April turned to the side when she saw someone she didn't expect on the other side of the bowling alley.

It was Destery! She was gonna squeal but then Skye would notice, so instead, while Skye took her turn, she just stared at him with a smile. Destery then noticed her and stared to wave. April beamed back and waved as well. Skye turned around and noticed her. "Who are you wavin-" she cut herself off as she noticed him. "Skye! I'm sorry he was just there and-" April started. "It's fine. Just ignore him for the rest of the day while I whoop you at bowling," Skye commented casually. "Oh you're on!" she said as she went to take her turn.


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