Chapter 7

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It was the next day and April had just arrived at school. She and Skye sat down once they arrived in homeroom. "So, how was your date with Monica yesterday?" Skye teased. "Jeez Skye, just because I hang out with someone besides you doesn't mean I want them inside me" explained April. "I highly doubt that. I'm just so fabulous how could you wanna hang out with anybody else" Skye complimented herself with a flip of her hair and a bright smile. April rolled her eyes, she never bothered to retaliate against Skyes egotistical comments. The bell soon rung and April couldn't help but jump for joy. Like, actually jump. People around her gave her pretty funny looks, but Skye just acted like it didnt happen to not draw any more attention to April. "Ya know, one day I'm gonna laugh at you like the rest of them" whispered Skye to April. April just rolled her eyes and quickly said bye to Skye as she skipped into Biology. For some reason she couldn't peel off the big smile plastered on her face. She took her seat in the back of the class, where Destery was already waiting. 'Oh my gosh he saved a seat for me!' thought April, then remembered that they were lab partners and kinda HAD to sit next to eachother. She shook away her dumb thoughts and sat next to him.

"Hey" he said casually as he twirled around his Numer 2 Pencil. April, of course stared at him for around 5 seconds before shaking out of her daydream and saying "Hi." She shimmied herself into her seat. "I uhm... I really like your car!" complimented April, hoping she didn't sound too enthusiastic. "Thanks. It used to be my dads but he got a new one and I got his old one" Destery spoke, and April clung on to every word he said. "Oh thats cool. I uhm, can't drive yet. Mom wont let me" April said, realizing she sounded quite immature that she has to do whatever her mom says. "Hm that sucks. Why not ask your dad?" asked Destery. 'Great. Now I'm gonna have to explain' April thought to herself, annoyed. She hated having the conversation with people, it made them uncomfortable usually. "Well, I have two moms so... They're both pretty protective," April explained, trying to remain calm. "Oh, thats cool." Destery replied, not dragging on the topic. April sighed a sigh of relief in her head. "Well, if you ever wanna go for a drive, just call me," he offered with a smile. April smiled back but was squealing like a little girl who just got a pony inside. Mr Kelly then walked in and immediately handed out a work sheet on Cells. "Time for revision! You guys are easily forgetting work you did in middle school! Hop to it and finish this, then I'll give you another" he explained as the class hushed. He soon reached the back of the class and handed over the sheet. April rubbed her forehead and sighed. She may be good at most other subjects but Science she struggled in. Destery immediately got to work so April decided not to try and drag on conversation. She started to work.

Destery was done in seconds flat! He eyed April then offered his help. April (of course) graciously agreed. It seemed like 5 seconds before the bell rung. Destery had helped her through 3 of Mr Kellys boring worksheets. The next lesson was English. "Later April, and I uh, like your hair" Destery said as he left. Aprils heart practically leapt out of her chest and did a happy dance, leaving April in melting in happiness on the Biology floor. She bounced out of class with a smile and into the English class. "Hello Miss Sommer, ready to insult me again today?" Ms Frinns snapped, not looking up from her computer screen. April replied "No miss" very quickly and placed herself next to Monica. "She asked me the same question" Monica comforted. "Phew. That lady is crazy" April laughed. After minutes of talking and being forced to copy notes down from the whiteboard, Monica asked a question. "Hey, I know we've only been hanging out for a while, but do you wanna come sleep over this weekend, maybe?" asked Monica. April liked Monica so far, but was terrified to be in the same house as Destery, let alone sleeping at HIS house in a room next to him! April wanted to reject and run away but she couldn't let her new friend down so she agreed. "Sure" she said. "But my moms are pretty protective so you're gonna have to pick me up and their probably gonna question you and whatever. They're good people, really. Just a little crazy at times" April explained with a smile. "No problem" Monica replied.

"Omigod help!" April rushed up to Skye and practically tackled her down at the end of school. "Oh Jeez April! What happened? OMIGOD is one of the teachers trying to seduce you!? Blink twice if yes" she whispered the last part. "What! No!" April said, breathless. "I saw you blink twice! POLICE!". "Skye! No!" April said, hitting Skye's arm. "Ow! Then what happened?" asked Skye. "Monica invited me for a sleepover and I didn't wanna let her down so I said yes," explained April. "So?" asked Skye, not getting April's panic. "SHE'S SIBLINGS WITH DESTERY! I'M GONNA BE IN THE SAME HOUSE AS HIM! SLEEPING IN THE ROOM NEXT TO HIM!" April panicked. "Relax ladeh! You won't be sleeping in the same bed as him! Plus you can text me EVERYTHING that happens" Skye said, linking arms with April. "Yeah, I guess. Thanks" April said. She would NOT be able to survive school without Skye. They had been best friends since April could remember, accepting her AND her parents. She couldn't have a better best friend. They both walked home together, and gossiped all the way there.

On the way home they bumped into... Guess who? None other then: Maxine. "Oh, if it isn't Dork 1 and Dork 2" Maxine giggled as she was about to cross paths with them. "At least we're not walking ALONE, unlike someone here" Skye snapped back, pointing to Maxine. Maxine sneered then stomped off. "Destery will NEVER like you April! At least don't make it so obvious!" Maxine shouted to her as she sashayed away. April rolled her eyes, convinced Maxine was simply jealous. April said bye to Skye once she reached her house and dawdled inside.


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