Spy Camera's & The Love Life

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I came back home the next day Friday, after having the most amazing conversations with Kay, i drove her home and slept in my car cause i really didnt want to see Diane. We exchanged phone numbers and said we'd go out for lunch sometime. I was excited about that.

"Owhh!" I yawned as I finally decided to wake up. I looked at my watch to find the time, it said 8:00 AM. "OH SHIT!!" I started the car and raced home. I was late for school! And graduate from College is today, I can't be late on the last day! 

I spud home and ran to my room as I got through the door, my little sister Quinn was there, stirring her coffee. "Hey big bro," She said, looking at her cup. "Where we're ya? You never came home after you went out to get your so called 'fiancé' a new necklace.."

"Out." I replied, running upstairs. 

"Okaaaay.." Said Quinn. "...Later?" 

I changed as quick as I could into my uniform and then ran back down and jumped out the front door. 

Quinn was still in the same place as I left her at. "See ya, grasshopper....?" 

"Bye, sis." I said, in a rush. Obviously she saw how quick I was being. She probably was just trying to annoy me, some way in Quinny land...

I threw my bag in the backseat and tried to start my car but it wouldn't turn on. "DAMNIT!!!" I said to myself, opening the back door and getting my bag out. I held my keys and threw them to the ground, like an angry little school girl who didn't get what she wanted from the toy shop. I looked up and saw Quinn standing there, leaning on the front door tutting, shaking her head and STILL STIRRING THAT FREAKING COFFEE!!!

"Are you done stirring that?!" I said. 

"May-" She said, but getting cut off by me. 

"GIMME' THAT!!" I snatched it off her and drank it all, spilling some of it on my school uniform and on the patio too. I didn't care anymore. 

"Hey," She said, staring maybe having a little girl tantrum. "That was my coffee!" 

"Well too bad," I said, handing the cup back to her. "Not any more." 

"What's wrong with you?" Quinn said. "Mr Cranky."

"No games now, Quinn." I said, frustrated with my whole life. 

"Woah, someone wet the bed and didn't get poor mama to clean it." She said, in a very 'let me try and help' tone. "Sit." patting at the doorstep for me to sit down and talk.

I studied her for a second, making sure she wasn't going to make me make a fool of myself. Cause that's what my little sister does, she's very playful, enjoys people making a fool of themselves, and she butts in in other people's conversations and makes her opinion on things herself. And she has a very trendy style in clothes and her personality is very good too, but she can get into mischief easily aswell. Boys love her.. Pffft...

After studing her, i finally decided to sit down next to her. But still being aware that she isn't going to make me a fool of myself. "Ugh," I said in frustration.

"So," She said. "What's going on with you, big bro?"

"It's just.." I replied, shaking my head looking down and my hands on my legs. "I never asked for any of this! I don't even LIKE Diane-"

"Hey, hey!" She said, cutting me off. "I truly HATE Diane and i would never believe you would just, propose like that! I just think its a 'James' thing to do.."

"James?" I said, scratching me head. "Yeah, its his thing. I don't even know what happened that night. Just the hangover the next morning.."

"Yes!" Quinn said. "You two were just friends. But Diane is just.. UGGGHH!" She shivered.

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