Chapter 9: Min Jihoon

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Yoongi didn't want to stay with his mother anymore he didn't really care for her opinion all he cared about was his sister, baby and most of all jimin

He missed him so much he thought that going home would be the best option because well minjun and him were probably going to stay together even though yoongi didn't want that it's been a month since they've talked

Yoongi was already in his ninth month plus he had to beg his mother forgiveness to let him stay with her, she was going to say no and let him sleep on the porch before his little sister hugged him telling him that he could sleep in her bed

He hated his mother she use to be his role model but a parent should never neglect or hate their child because of the things they do

Ok we all make mistakes but nobodies perfect a parent should always love their child unconditionally

"Yoongi oppa come downstairs I made you breakfast" yoonji yelled from downstairs

Yoongi walked downstairs carefully he was bout ready to burst actually he's been having stomach pain and jihoon wouldn't stop kicking he was being a very bad baby

As he approached the dining table his sister helped him sit down while his mother sat there smoking a cigarette

"Mah you shouldn't smoke around yoongi it will give jihoon second hand smoke or birth defects" yoonji said she was actually happy that they were having a baby she would no longer be the youngest plus she always wanted to be an auntie and seeing yoongi happy made her happy

"Like I care that baby is a abomination" she said before she blew the smoke in his face

"Yeah whatever change the subject I dont want to hear mom bitching about useless shit" yoonji giggled then handed him his plate

"Yah! This is my house and you'll respect me I don't care about what you feel and as far as that baby when it's born I'm getting rid of it I refuse to raise another child"

Yoongi stood up angry at her words "you will do nothing of the sort have you no shame? This is your grandson we're talking about how could you just talk about him like he's a disappointment fuck your house and your rules! the crazy thing is you call yourself a mother how pathetic!"

"He is a disappointment just like his whore of a mother just opening your legs to any one you could find huh! and that baby will be no kin of mines" yoongi wanted to cry how could anybody be so cruel

Yoonji had enough of this so she slapped their mother because clearly she wasn't thinking straight it's ironic how she teaches them to be kind and tells them that she would love them no matter what but at the moment that was all a bunch of bullshit

"Yoongi is right you are pathetic mom if you really cared and loved him like you always said you would accept jihoon along with yoongi because he's your child"

His mother grabbed her cigarette and took one more puff  "as I'm concerned he's no son of mine he's a stranger so yoongi get out of my house you've stayed long enough" she walked off to her room slamming the door

Yoongi stood there fiddling with his sleeves he held his head down because he didn't want yoonji to see him cry he felt weak and defenseless

Jimin would never treat him like this

Yoonji hugged her brother and kissed his cheek to make him feel better "I'll help you pack and I'll call taehyung so he could come pick you up it's time for you to make up with jimin please go home I know he misses you terribly"

Yoongi wished it was like that he wished that jimin would actually miss him "no jimin loves minjun not me if I go back now all he'll do is insult me"

"Oppa are you stupid? Because that day when you were crying in your bedroom he seemed to be madly in love with you he held you and let you cry on his shoulder, no one does that unless they cared i know that jimin cares about you the most just by staring at him he looks at you as if you're the most precious thing alive so stop doubting everything, please just go back to him"

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