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"THAT was awesome!" Jack exclaims, giving Elizabeth a high five. "Perfect, you mean." A grin comes to her face and Henley rolls her eyes.

They're on their way back to their hotel room at Aria. They were given such a luxurious suite that it shouldn't even be called a hotel. It's got a second floor to it.

"We could've done better, Beth." Daniel says.

"Is it not perfect enough for you, Mr Perfect?" Elizabeth cocks a brow.

Daniel turns around to scold Elizabeth but instead sees a smirk on her face that he can't help but not yell at. He opens his mouth to say something but decides not to.

"Oh, you're not gonna snap back I see?"

"Okay, lovebirds. Keep it down. We're in a elevator not a bedroom." Merritt jokes that leads Elizabeth to playfully slap his shoulder. "Okay! Okay!" He exclaims with hands up in the air.

"Danny, why won't you join Beth and I's movie date tonight? Relax a bit." Henley says, already inviting Elizabeth.

"I've got better things to do, sorry Beth." Daniel apologizes.

For a moment disappointment washes over Elizabeth, but what was she really hoping for? He probably did had better things to do than watch some cheesy, cliche rom com movies with the girls.

"Yeah, no, it's fine."

"Why not invite her to whatever else you're doing." Merritt suggests as they walk out the door.

"Hey! I had Elizabeth first." Henley mutters to Jack who laughs at the red-head.


In Las Vegas almost no one sleeps, but after a long day of robbing a Parisian bank of it 3.2 million euros, it's best to say that sleep is the best remedy at the moment.

Although it was hard to Elizabeth to sleep that night. After being on TV about robbing a bank, she got a call that she expected to receive. A call from her mother and she did not sound happy.

So to relax herself from the stress her mother had brought on her, she's out in the living room of the suite. Looking out at the bright colours that Vegas had to offer, she's all by herself in the dark or so she thought,

The sound of muttering was what startled the brunette from her peaceful silence. She can barely see in the dark and so softly calls out for the first person who she'd thought be out at this hour. "Jack?" She triés again. "Henley?" But this time someone answers, just not the one who she expected to be.

"Actually, it's Daniel." He says as he walks towards the window, where she sat.

"Oh." Elizabeth says. "Why are you up this late?"

"I could ask the same thing for you. Why? Can't sleep?" Daniel asks, as he sits besides the brunette.

"My mom called after seeing what we did last night. She didn't seem very happy with robbing a bank. Look, I'm sorry for taking it out on you tonight."

"No, yeah, I understand. It's family. I should be the one apologizing for the last year. I just needed everything to go perfect."

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