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"-- Unfortunately, the speed chase took a dark turn. Jack Wilder, one of the Five Horsemen, died in the speed chase with the NYPD." The news reporter on the television says.

The Horsemen hear this and grieve takes over. Elizabeth glances over to Daniel with glossy eyes from the tears, he places a hand on her back in attempt to comfort her. She sharply breathes in order to try keep her emotions in.

Elizabeth was one great actress. The Horsemen admired her for her acting, the way she'll probably cry on video will fool the world.

"We better keep moving."  She says, breaking the silence between the Horsemen. She makes her way to the bathroom to wash up, after looking like a mess with raunchy hair and run-down makeup.

After cleaning herself up, she joins the rest of the Horsemen in order to create the video they had in plan. With Henley and Daniel on both of her sides and Merritt beside Daniel's left, they were ready to create the video.

"More than anything in his life, Jack wanted to be the most famous magician to ever lived. I can't say that he achieved it, but I do hope wherever he is, it is full of magic." Daniel starts, his voice on the verge of crying. "But the point is.... Sorry." He tells the care, stopping himself to calm down. "The point--" He starts again but was finished by Elizabeth.

"The point  of why we are here to say that we are not-- We cannot quit now." Merritt takes over for Elizabeth.

"We've started something bigger than all of us. We have to finish it." Then Henley.

"Remember the name Jack Wilder, when you see us live. 5 Pointz, Queens, 7:00 O'clock."


She's greeted by Daniel with a pair of jumpers, knowing that it was that part of the plan already. This was the part where they would have to go in the vault in order to plant the mirror. Elizabeth groans in annoyance, she was tired but she knew she would have to suck it up.

Elizabeth does what she's told and changes into the jumper. She comes out with a frown on her face, Daniel gives her a smirk. "It's what we have." He says with a shrug of his shoulders. "Don't worry, Beth. It's not that bad, it's you who's wearing it. It'll look good on you no matter what." Merritt says with a wink.

The brunette rolls her eyes at the hypnotist. "Ew, you perv." She says as she ties her hair up.

"Everyone ready?" Daniel asks, the Horsemen reply in agreement.


"You know what, Beth? That outfit isn't actually that bad." Henley says to Elizabeth as she helps Daniel set up the mirror.

"I agree. Best outfit yet." Merritt agrees with the red-head, winking at Elizabeth using the mirror. Daniel sees this and scoffs, gaining Henley and Merritt's attention. "What was that Daniel? Did I just hear jealousy?" Merritt jokes with the magician.

"Stop hitting on the woman because it's clearly making her uncomfortable. Get someone who's actually interested." Daniel snaps. Merritt jokes a shocked face and looks over to Henley, who gives him a roll of her eyes.

"Well, there he is. Don't worry, Danny boy. I won't get anywhere near your girl." Merritt laughs but no one seems to join him. Daniel turns to the hypnotist, ready to jump at him. Thankfully, Elizabeth was there to stop him by getting in front of his, blocking him from Merritt.

"Hey, hey. Calm down. Just ignore him, Daniel." Elizabeth says to Daniel, in effort to stop and calm him down before does anything he regrets.

All jokes were aside now, except for Merritt's. He still had his smile while Elizabeth gave him the death glare. "Okay, I made it!" A familiar voice exclaims that catches the Horsemen's attention, they al turn around to see Jack Wilder standing underneath the doorframe with the exact same outfit they were all wearing. "Am I interrupting something?" He innocently asks, looking at the group.

"Actually, no. You're right on time." Elizabeth says, pushing Daniel behind her. "God, Merritt you're suck a dick." Elizabeth swears to Merritt. He playfully gasps at the foul language he had heard, "It swears!"

Elizabeth rolls her eyes and continues to work with the rest of the Horsemen with the rest of their plan.

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