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Maya was on her way home when she suddenly felt a warm hand wrap around her wrist followed by a familiar voice.

"Can we talk?" Seungmin asked.

"About?" She spat out, taking her frustration out on the boy.


At this Maya spun around on her heels to face him.

"Didn't we already establish earlier on that I don't know anything? Why do you need me so bad? You already know more about all this than I do! And why are you so curious? Haven't you ever heard that curiosity killed the cat? Just stay out of all of this, okay? This has nothing to do with you."

"You're mistaken, Maya. This has everything to do with me." Then he pulled out a card from his wallet and handed it to the girl.

"You're a detective?" 

The boy nodded.

"That's why I need you so badl-"

"Keep me out of this."

"I can't. You got yourself into this as soon as you became friends with Liv."

"I got myself into this five years ago?" Maya scoffed.

"Isn't that what I said?"

"I know nothing about this case, okay? Why am I needed so badly? Why not talk to Hyunjin? He's also close to her." 

Seungmin's gaze shifted for a second but landed on her again.

"Before the accident, was Liv acting...different?"

"Don't change the subject! Answer me."

"Mrs Taylor said you were closer to her and besides, I'll talk to him when I'm done with you. Now you answer me."

Maya hesitated to respond. 

Liv was quiet.

Liv looked scared.

Liv kept on looking at doors.

Liv kept looking out of windows.

Liv kept on pacing up and down.

Liv acted differently.

But why didn't she want to tell Seungmin anything about this? He was supposed to help her find whoever hurt her but something deep down made her hesitate.

"Maya?" She heard his impatient voice bring her back to the present.

"Just leave me alone!" She shouted. 

Seungmin's expression changed. He was a lot more serious now than before.


"She didn't act differently, okay? She was the same old hyper Liv we all know and love." 

Seungmin began to get closer to her since he knew she was lying but as he did, the girl took a step back. The male realised this and began to pick up his pace but she did the same until eventually she turned around and ran away. He stood in shock at what had happened before pulling his phone out of his pocket and dialling a number.

"Hello?" the person on the other line asked.

"You were right, Liv was acting differently. And now Roseanne is protecting her."


Hyunjin clenched his fists in anger as he approached the boy who just ended the call.

"What did I tell you? Or do you actually want a beating?" He yelled.

"Geez, I was just talking to her."


"Why not?"

"You don't know Maya like I do, okay? I don't like the idea of you being around her all the time so I'm going to advise you now. Stay away from her, okay? She'll just break your heart."

"Maybe that happened to you but it certainly won't happen to me."

This statement drove Hyunjin to the edge and before he knew it, he shoved Seungmin, sending him to the hard pavement. The younger boy winced in pain before staring up at the other. Hyunjin had his fist in the air, ready to punch Seungmin but then he spoke up.

"You don't want to do that," the detective smirked as he stood up.

"Why not?"

"I've been learning judo since I was seven. I could knock you out in a second and I bet Maya wouldn't be happy having two friends in the hospital. Think of that: both your best friends in a coma. In fact, I guess that wouldn't be too bad of an idea. That way I can make a bet on who will die first."

"Liv's not going to die," Hyunjin said through gritted teeth as he tried to hold back his tears. He wasn't going to cry and especially not in front of him. "She's a fighter."

"Then why didn't she fight against the person who stabbed her?"

"Maybe the person was strong? Or intimidating?" 

Seungmin crossed his arms and leaned back.

"And do you know anyone who fits those categories?"

It was clear that Hyunjin didn't want to say anything but Seungmin wasn't going to let it go that easily. He needed to find the assailant quickly before he or she got anyone else.

"The only person that comes to mind is Liv but she's the victim here."

"Are you sure she's the only person? Was she alone that night? Or did she have someone over?"

"She was at Maya's house, we all were then she rushed out of the house saying she had to go. It was strange. She spent the whole afternoon staring out the window as if someone was following her then as soon as it became dark, she ran out." 

Seungmin tilted his head and his heartbeat began to beat at a faster pace. He wasn't expecting that answer.

"Anything else happened?"

"A lot happened yesterday...Why are you so interested anyway?"

"Just am." Seungmin shrugged before chuckling a bit. "I guess I've watched one too many murder mysteries." He had expected the other lad to laugh too but got nothing instead.

"I've watched many murder mysteries as well and guess what? There's always that irrelevant person who dies so stay out of this unless if you want to be that guy," Hyunjin warned before walking past the detective, purposely knocking his shoulder.

Just a quick notice: If ever you see it written Chan or Yugyeom randomly in this story, I apologise. Originally, Seungmin was Chan, Hyunjin was Yugyeom, Liv was Lisa and Maya was Rose/Rosie/Roseanne.

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