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"Maya, wake up! There's someone waiting for you outside," Jenny, her older sister yelled as she shook her awake.

Maya groaned as she sat up in bed, pushing her hair out of her face as she did it.


Jenny shrugged as she picked up a magazine nearby and began reading through it.

"I don't know. I've never seen him before, but I must congratulate you. You always manage to get all the cute guys to like you." 

Maya rolled her eyes at her sister's statement before looking out the window and her eyes immediately widened.

"How long has he been here?" she asked.

"Several minutes."

The younger girl bit her lip before heading to the bathroom to have a brief shower.


"What are you doing here?" Maya asked as soon as she got out the door. 

Seungmin looked up at her for a brief second before smiling wide. The girl was clearly taken aback. It was the first time she had seen him smile so brightly and it was the first time she actually took the time to acknowledge how cute he was.

"I wanted to walk you to school...and maybe ask you a few questions."

"Seriously? Can we not talk about it? I'm trying to forget the fact that my best friend is knocking at death's door." 

His smile faded and he sighed deeply before putting an arm around her shoulder in a friendly way and walking.

"I know and I would honestly like to leave you alone and give you space but I can't. It's my job, Maya and I'm sorry about that."

"Fine," she rolled her eyes in annoyance. "What you want to ask me?"

"I heard that the night of the incident Liv was at your house. Then she ran out when it got dark. Do you by any chance know what happened?"

"No, I asked her several times but she just said she was alright."

"And how was she acting that day?" 

He heard her sigh before shaking her head.

"Weird. She kept on staring at the nearest doors in the room or out windows. She even came to school early which really isn't like her."

"So would you say it was like someone was following her?"

"Uhm...yeah, I guess. Then again, she could have been looking for something. But I do think someone was following her."

"And is there anyone in school she's on bad terms with?"

"In school? No, everyone loves Liv."

"Then out of school?"

"Well... she's always getting in arguments with her mother but I highly doubt she has anything to do with this."

"I see..."

"How did you find out she was at my house anyway?"

"Hyunjin told me."

"Great, now you can bother him, not me."

"He also threatened to beat me up again."

"Hyunjin might say stuff like that but honestly, he's a fluffball. He wouldn't hurt you too bad."

"Wow, that's very settling," he said sarcastically but the girl missed the sarcasm.

"Just get to know him better. He'll actually surprise you."


Seungmin sat on a table by himself at the back of the cafeteria and wrote in a pocket-sized book. He held a pencil in his right hand and scratched his head with the other. His eyebrows furrowed and it was clear he was growing frustrated.

"Hi!" Maya smiled widely as she sat down opposite the detective and pulled out a lunchbox. The boy smiled in response briefly before looking back at the book. Maya knew he was busy but she still felt the need to start a conversation between them. "What's that?" she asked.


"We didn't have any homework..." 

He chuckled as he lifted his head to look at her.

"It's not homework."

"What is it then?"

"I'm trying to figure out who the stabber is."

Maya opened her lunch box revealing a bunch of chocolate chip cookies. She picked one then handed it to him.

"Thanks," he responded to her kind action as he took a bite out of the biscuit.

"You're welcome." 

Seungmin smiled once more before looking down at the book again. In all honesty, Maya also wanted to know who tried to kill Liv but she also hated how stressed Seungmin looked because of it. She stretched her arm out and put her hand on top of his. 

He stared at her hand in shock before looking up at her. 

She smiled. 

"Don't stress yourself about the case, okay? I know you want to get it over and done with but if you are too hasty with it, you might end up arresting the wrong person." 

The boy sighed. He knew she was right but he just couldn't stop. Why? He didn't even know. Maybe it was because he wanted to prove that he was worthy to the other detectives. Or maybe it was to prove to himself that he was worthy.

Suddenly, someone cleared their throat, catching the duo's attention. Hyunjin gave Maya a smile before glaring at Seungmin. He then pushed the new boy aside and sat where he was sitting so that he was sitting directly opposite from the teenage girl.

"Did I interrupt something?" he asked, acting as though he was completely oblivious to what he had interrupted. Seungmin couldn't help rolling his eyes at the boy before packing his book away, removing Maya's hand in the process.

"Want some biscuits? I made it especially since I know how much you love it," Maya said as she put one in his mouth and Seungmin watched it happen. His heart broke at the act. During the last five minutes, he honestly thought he had a special relationship with Maya but he realised at this moment that she treated everyone like that. Don't get him wrong, he wasn't usually the type to feel stuff quickly but he was used to being homeschooled. He didn't really know how normal teenagers reacted to situations. He honestly thought Maya liked him and admittedly, he found her cute and interesting. How could he not like her? Unable to watch anymore, he quickly stood up.

"I should go," he said quickly before walking off with one sentence echoing in his head. "She'll just break your heart."

Sorry for the week of inactivity. I've been really busy with school and tests coming up. I still have two more weeks of tests but I'll try my hardest to update as much as I can. Sorry for the wait.


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