The shootout

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{Reid POV}
We were driving full speed ahead, racing to get to Matthieu's house, before we would find another dead body. It was only 10 minutes away from the police station, but it felt like forever getting to his place. When we finally arrived, we saw a magnificent beach house, right next to the beach, with a spacious shed in the back.

We got out of the van, me, Rossi and JJ. Hotch, Morgan and Prentiss followed us in a different van. I then saw the rest of the team step out of the van, all exhausted. The whole team got a tan, except Prentiss. She burns.

"I love this weather, but its killing me!" Prentiss said

Hotch let out a smirk and we all laughed.

"Alright," Hotch said "Morgan, Reid and Rossi, you go in the house. JJ-" he was cut by the sound of bullets, shooting from the shed. We all ducked and ran to our vans, protecting ourself and shooting at the target. After a good five minutes, the bullet that came from my gun went directly in his heart.

We ran to check if he was alive or dead. He was gone. The victim was next to him, and she was dead too.

I ran back to our vans, calming myself down. I wasn't used to shooting other people.

"Hey kid, you ok?" I heard Morgan ask me.

"Yeah, I'm just not really used to, well, killing people."

He let out a chuckle. "Don't worry, were done. Even though thus victim died, we saved a bunch of other women on this island. Lets go relax to the beach."

After a long pause, i agreed to join him. The beaches here seemed quite nice, but i wasn't comfortable walking around shirtless.

We hopped into our vans and drove off to the police station, where we found a very pregnant Garcia. She wore a white beach dress, with pink flowers on it. She had pink sandals and a pink hat and pink makeup. It was too much pink for my eyes. We all greeted her with hugs (except Morgan, he smacked a passionate kiss on her) which disturbed us all. Since it was 6:00, we decided to all go to this Japanese restaurant that was right next to the beach.

JJ walked up to me and we started talking about the beaches here.

"Its nice, isn't it?" she asked me

"Its very lovely." i replied

"I would love to get remarried here, its so peaceful and lovely." she went from joyful to a bit sad. She's still coping a bit with the whole Will fiasco. I had invited her and Henry to stay at my place for a while after it happened. Shes pretty much lived in my apartment now.

"One day, you will." i said

"And hopefully get married to me." I thought to myself.

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