The front desk

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{Rossi POV}
"Wait, Emma, your Penelope's doctor?!" i said, surprised. The lovely lady who i had a drink with earlier at the beach, was here, dressed as a doctor instead of a pretty girl in a red beach dress.

"Yes! Hi, Penelope, im Dr. Jones. I'll be assisting your birth with you!" she said

"Hey, its Rossi's lady friend!" Morgan said, smirking. JJ bursted out a laughter, with Reid giggling a little. They stopped after i gave them a dirty look.

"So for now, were gonna have to wait since you only measure 3 centimetres, which needs to be 11 so we can start pushing. If it takes too long, then were going to have to do a c-section." Emma said

"Mhm." said Penelope, half asleep.

"Can i talk to you?" i asked Emma

"Yes, of course!" she said

We walked outside to the main desk, where she took out information on Garcia, Morgan and their child. She flashed a smile and winked at me, which i replied with a smile.

"I thought by doctor you meant in America-" i started, but got cut off by Emma.

"Hawaii is a state, for that being said, its part of America. Besides, this month is my last shift before i officially retire and head back to the states." She answered

"Well, how are we going to keep our relationship?" I had spoken to her earlier when the team got off at the airport to work the case. The second my eyes laid on her, i fell in love. It was like love at first sight. When i saw her at the beach, i had to say something to her, which i did, and we got together.

"Just for a month, ill be here and then i could come move in with you. Is that ok with you? Because i don't want to seem over attached, but you know what i mean."

"Yeah, sure! Can i ask why were you at the airport?"

"One of my good friend, died. When you get old, this is the part that sucks, seeing everyone you love and care for, die. One by one, they die, until your either all alone, or you die until one of them ends up all alone."

"I hope that wont happen to us."

She smiled and squeezed my hand "For sure, it wont."

We stayed like that for a few seconds, until she let go of my hand and looked straight in my eyes, still smiling.

"Hey, where is, um, whats they're name again? Oh yeah, Aaron and Emily? Its been a while." Emma asked me

"They will be back soon. For sure, they will support Penelope." i answered

"Good, support her, even though she's all drugged up."

We smiled and left to go see Garcia, who had awoken from her sleep. Morgan and Reid had gotten coffees for everyone (except Garcia) and JJ was calling Henry's nanny.

We all looked tired, but we were ready for this birth.

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