Chapter Forty - Artful Confessions

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Kez's emotions had vastly settled by the time that he had walked, shyly, though the condominium entrance of his future husband's home. Rush's emotions were working in reverse. His lover was in his home. Without warning, once the front door had clicked closed into it's frame, Rush pressed the boy against the wall and proceeded to plunder his mouth. Kez's lips moved in harmony with the older man's, parting to allow the seeking tongue to dance with his own. It was his first kiss, but with Rush as his partner it strangely did not feel that way. They parted only when panting for breath.

"Sorry," Rush murmured, his impatience had finally broken his will.

"It's okay," Kez gasped in air, his pale eyes hazy from pleasure. They stood gazing into each other's eyes this way for several minutes, before Rush took a half step back away from him and Kez relaxed his grip upon the other man's sleeve. He leant against the wall for a moment, as if he had forgotten how his legs worked. Rush took his hand and led him into the heart of his home. Kez looked interested at the old technology, he had never seen a induction hob before, nor a box for making toast and this was called a lava lamp?

Rush slowly showed him around, enjoying the sparkle in his eyes when something took his interest and the smiles he offered when he listened to Rush's explanations. But he paused as he got to one wall in the living room. "Ah! That is my painting!" Kez stated, pointing to the framed picture on the wall.

"It is?" Rush hadn't thought about the painting since he had awakened. But looking at it now, of course there is no way that the artist could be anyone else but his lover, this scene captured in the blink of an eye from their former lives. He smiled. From his obsession with the avatar Wish, his impulsive purchase of this picture and Kez being a fan of his, it seemed they were always drawn to each other, destined to be together come what may.

"Hmmm, why do you have it?" Kez asked.

Rush wrapped his arms around the boy's body. "Purchased it online."

"So it was sold as part of the prank," Kez mused, almost giddy that it had been wanted by someone, despite the point of view of his teachers and parents. Better yet, it had been the man he loved who bought it.

"Is that bad? Do you want it back?" Rush sounded concerned.

"No, it looks perfect where it is," Kez smiled and kissed the man's cheek. Unsatisfied, Rush gently spun him to face him and began to taste his lips once more. Kez groaned, as Rush nibbled his low lip. With a sigh, Rush let him go, for if he didn't he would be committing a crime.

"When is your birthday?" Rush asked.

"I turn seventeen in September," Kez panted, breathlessly.

One year and several months he would have to show restraint for, Rush groaned into Kez's shoulder. "So long!" Kez laughed, openly.


As Kez entered his home later that day, it was surprisingly quiet.  His father was not arguing with his mother and his mother did not jump out at him demanding where he had been.  Kez wasn't sure whether he should be extremely relieved or extremely nervous at this point in time.  As it turned out, his parents were in the kitchen, sitting at the table, discussing something in calm tones.  When they heard him enter, they abruptly stopped talking.

"Hey," he greeted, cautiously.  "Sorry I am late, I met with Xavier after school."

"Yes I know," his mother said, "I received a text from him, asking me if it would be okay to take you to visit the company."  Kez inwardly sighed, Xavier was very sharp and clearly knew how to handle his mother already.  "Come and sit, we have something to discuss with you."

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