Chapter Forty Nine - The Benefits of Best Friends

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Author's note; Over the next few chapters there will be some small scenes of a sexual nature or mention of sexual things.  I was going to write warnings on each chapter in regards to the whole situation, but decided it spoiled the mood.  So this is your only warning.  I estimate that sex will be mentioned in the next four chapters at least!

Zhang Min was the son of General Cheng Ju and Medical Officer Zhang Xia, but he inherited none of his mother's size, tenacity or outspoken manner. He was much more like his father, short, slender with delicate, steady hands and a quick mind. The only thing he had gained from his mother was his uncontrollable mess of curls upon his head. Yet despite all of this, he had still managed to make his name in the army as one of the best snipers there. He didn't think too much of this compliment, the army on this world was not too large of number, being around a quarter of the population where most of the rest were mine workers. That and target practice using wooden boards was as far as he got to polish and enhance his skills.

His best friend was also in the army and three years his senior, Song Jian, whose father was also a soldier and his mother... well saying she was crazy would be putting it mildly. Song Jian's younger brother had decided not to join the army, but become his mother's assistant so he could reign her in when she discovered something new and make sure she ate in between experiments.

Right now Song Jian was leaning over his back and was thrusting deep into his backside, grunting in pleasure.

There were relatively few women of their species on this planet and the army ensured that the natives would not be disturbed especially by rutting males, who could easily use their own hands or find alternative relief. The best friends had chosen the latter route.

Zhang Min cried out as the thick cock rubbed over his prostate once more tipping him over the edge and spilling his semen upon the bed. He reflexively tightened around Song Jian, who released inside him and fell heavily over him, his arm curling about Zhang Min's waist. They panted for breath a few times, before Song Jian removed his hold and slid out of Zhang Min's body. He then lay upon his back next to the smaller man, a satisfied expression on his face.

Zhang Min lay down upon his stomach beside him and glanced over the relaxed man. Song Jian was everything he had hoped to be as a child, tall, muscular and strong. His tanned skin seemed to darken every year as it stretched over new taut muscles and he was greatly admired amongst the troops. Not to mention his hair was fine, straight and styled to frame his square facial line. He was considered a good influence on him, by his mother, the general, so she had assigned them to the same room within the barracks.

If only she knew that he uses my body for sexual relief, he thought, though that was fine by him as he enjoyed the pleasure Song Jian gave him.

"I heard mother is assigning you to patrol the mines soon, until the new miners have settled in," Zhang Min mentioned. New workers on the two long haul transports came about every six years to replace the ones who had finished their contracts to return home. There were also a few new troops, though they were not always as welcome. The General kept the rebellious ones close to home so she and her closest subordinates could keep an eye on them. There were often a few broken bones suffered about this time and the newbies bitched and complained, but the old timers and second generation troops just laughed at them. Who exactly were they going to complain too all the way out here?

Zhang Min and Song Jian were of the very rare third generation, most soldiers had to travel back to the home world if they wanted a wife and family.

"Yes," Song Jian agreed.

"That new batch that just dropped, any women?" Zhang Min asked.

The other man frowned. "A few. Why do you ask?"

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