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Connie walked past a bridge, knowing it was going to lead her back to the city

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Connie walked past a bridge, knowing it was going to lead her back to the city. And she didn't want to go back. It gave her too many bad memories, especially seeing her older sister fall to the sickness.

7 year old Connie walked with her 18 year old sister, Brenda, through Chinatown. They were planning to spend the day together before Brenda went off to college. As they passed an electronic store, Connie's stomach began to growl.

"Brenda, I'm hungry. Can we get something to eat?" She asked as Brenda smiled down at her.

"Sure. Where do you want to eat?"

"Could we go there?" Connie pointed to the chinese restaurant across the street from them and Brenda nodded.

"Yeah, let's go." As they made their way over, a car cane speeding down the street and crashed right into a store next to the restaurant. Brenda gasped and went over to help the person in the car.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Brenda called as she pulled open the door. A woman fell out and began to cough up blood. Some got on Brenda's shirt.

"Oh my god! Someone get help! Please!" She screamed as some people began to dial 911. "It's okay, miss. It's okay. We're getting you help."

Connie stood watching; unable to look away as the woman fell limp in Brenda's arms.

"No! No. No. Stay with me!" Brenda shouted before she began to cough herself. She violently coughed into her hand and began to breathe raspy.

She looked down at her hand and saw blood on it. She then realized that she got the sickness. She slowly fell to the ground, people around screamed as she did and Connie ran over to her.

"Brenda! Breanda, wake up! Please don't do this to me!" But it was too late. Brenda was dead, her eyes bloodshot red, her skin purple and pale.

Connie cried as she held Brenda's pale hand. She already lost her parents, now she lost her sister. Her only family left. Sirens were heard and all Connie could do was sob loudly and stare down at Brenda.

She wasn't the same since that day. Everyday since then she always thinks about Brenda. And regret everyday for letting it be her instead of herself.

Connie shook the bad memory out of her head and walked on. There wasn't much places to sleep unless you find a cave and get bit by mosquitoes and spiders. Then you can do that.

But Connie couldn't risk getting bit by a poisonous spider. So, she just continued past that idea. She herd rustling, she didn't know where it was coming from, but she pulled out her knie just in case.

The rustling got louder and louder until an ape came into view. He almost looked like Caesar, but this one had blue eyes. She went to turn away from it, but he gently grabbed my wrist.

'Are you the human that came to ape home?' He signed as Connie nodded. 'Father wants you to come back.'

'But why? I'm a human.' She signed back.

'You need to heal. You are still hurt.' He signed before pointing to her side. She lifted her shirt and still saw the bruise on her side. She sighed before she nodded and he helped her back to the ape territory.

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