chapter 4-girlfriend/boyfriend

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Sabrina's POV.

Rocky and I are at the carnival. "Hey let go on one of the roller coasters"I say walking to one that looks like a haunted house."um...what about that one"he points to a roller coaster that looks like something a 3year old would go on.I start laughing. "Come on lets go on this one"I pulled him over and we start getting inside along with other people. I the roller coaster starts to move, I suddenly felt a hand on my.I looked over to see it was Rocky. He looked scared. My heart suddenly starts to beat and I start to blush for no reason. "Your really cute when your scared"I saym"your cute when you blush"he say back which made me blush harder.then suddenly the roller coaster went down.I start screaming while I was holding on to Rocky. The roller coaster went faster as it turned upside down, in three loops and went back down like we were falling down a waterfall.we were screaming. It slowed down,I felt stopped and we walked out, me and rocky walked to ice cream."rocky I think I'm going be sic-"it was to late I throw up all on rocky's shoes and pants."I'm sorry"I tell him."it's okay that roller coaster made me sick too, lets just go on the fairest wheel"he say.I nodded and we start walk, we bought cotton candy and ice cream on the way to the fairest wheel."um...Sabrina the lines way too long"he says."its okay lets just go a different ride"we went to the bumper cars.when we finished that we went to the fairest wheel.


"Wow"he said."we can see everyone from up here"he said."I know"I said we watched the sunset as the fairest wheel stopped and I looked down to find kayleigh smile evily, I gave her the death glare and she made a face that would think she was scared. "Kayleigh stopped the fairest wheel"I say."that cool at least I'm not by self"he say and I blushed.He put his arm around me and I cuddled into him."you know, I don't feel sick anymore"I say smiling. "Me either"we stay like that until the fairest wheel starts to move again. "The sunset was beautiful"I say.he looks at me."yeah you are beautiful"he whispers thinking I didn't hear him but I did.we went to the last carnival game and play some game where you try to splash the flowers and win a huge dolphin."I win"rocky yells."yeah cause you cheated"I said.rocky gets the dolphin and gives it to me."Aww thanks"I say.Everything was going great unitil I ran into Rowan. We bumped into each other and I fell to the ground."hey"I said getting up. She didn't answer. I felt sad and bad for what I did at the party last week.She walks away with Peyton following behind. "What wrong with her"rocky asks.when we get to his older brothers and rocky sat in the back seat and his brother drived."um...well me and Rowan used to be best friends...until she caught me kissing her boyfriend, but I didn't mean to.I really miss being friends with her"I say."maybe you should talk to her"."she's not going to talk to her"I say sadly."hey you want to go to a party tomorrow that my brother is having."."okay"I say.rocky walked me to my house and gave me a hug."good night I had fun"he say."yeah me too, see you tomorrow at 6"I say."okay".he walks away and I walk inside."hey Sabrina we brought pizza"my dad says."no think you I already ate"I say and walk up to my room.I took a shower and watched a movie.I start to read this book on my computer and fell asleep.


love at first sight (Sabrina carpenter, rowan Blanchard and Peyton meyer story)Where stories live. Discover now