Chapter 1- Early Morning

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Tord's POV:

I awoken to the sound of birds calling near me.

      I slowly open my good eye, only to be blinded by the early morning sun rising above the low perching trees on the gloomy horizon. I groan loudly as I painfully and slowly sat up from the dew covered park bench I uncomfortably slept on the previous night. 

     The sky greets the day with a gloomy appearance. Dark clouds cover the blank morning sky, blocking out most of the sun. I sighed to myself and rubbed my left eye, trying to see clearly among the morning dew and mist that littered everything like tiny little crystals. Being homeless is no fun.

      After I betrayed the only three people that I ever truly cared about, Edd, Matt and Tom, killing my neighbor; Jon, and finally blowing up the house I once lived in. I had nowhere to go and I was by myself. I abandoned the Red Army the day I failed to take over the world, I felt like I had failed them as a leader and ran away from them, they don't know where I am, but I do know they are looking for me. I saw two of my soldiers walking the busy streets of the city I live in. 

     Memories of the horrific incident from three weeks ago flooded my mind without warning. "I'm not your friend!"  Tom shouted to me in the distance as I was shot down from the sky. That was the most common memory I held to myself from the incident. 

     I felt hot tears run down my scarred, disfigured cheeks. I painfully wiped away my tears, trying not to open up the raw cuts and burns that covered my entire right side of my face. I hated myself for the decisions I made those weeks ago. Breaking the trust of the people you love, killing a innocent person, and destroying a home. But I got what deserved. Disfiguration of my body, negligence, shame, pain, no home to go to, no person to have by your side. 

I'm a monster. 

A traitor. 

I hate what I've become. 

I'm nobody.

Tom's POV:

     It's been three weeks since the incident with Tord attempting to take over the world. I moved into a apartment with Edd and Matt right after Tord disappeared. I remember seeing his robot blow up into fumes and smoke as it came crashing down into the rocky earth on the cliff nearby our destroyed house. 

     "I wonder what happened to Tord... Did I kill him in the explosion?"  I didn't care, that stupid Commie bastard deserved what he got! He tried to kill me! Plus, ruin everyone's lives among the world! 

     As long as he doesn't ever bother or come near me, Matt, or Edd, I could care less on what happens to Tord. A traitor like him deserves the worst in life.

     I walked out to the kitchen to find Matt and Edd sitting down at the table already eating their breakfast. I sigh deeply and sat down next to the third chair next to Matt. "Good morning Tom." Edd spoke out among mouthfuls of food. "Morning..." I mumbled groggily as I rested my chin on the edge of the table. "Jeez Tom... Would it kill you to show some enthusiasm in the morning?" Exclaimed Edd at my lazy response. 

     All I could respond with was a muffled groan as I buried my face into my blue sweatshirt sleeves. After a few minutes of silence, I peered up at Matt, who was fussing about his hair and face in a small hand mirror he carried with him where ever he went. "Matt, you don't need to mess around with your face every second of your life..." I groaned in annoyance.

      I could tell that today wasn't going to be a very good day. Could it get any worse?

Third Person POV:

     Tord dragged his aching feet across the sidewalk as he hazily peered around. He was struggling to stay awake from the awful night's sleep from before. "Ugh... I need some breakfast." Tord clutched his thin stomach. Every pat of his body hurt. Tord's mangled arm burned with pain as he grasped at his gut, he could feel every one of his ribs. 

     Tord was lucky  if he found a little free food everyday, he didn't have any money to buy himself any decent food, so during meal time, Tord would often look for scraps in alley ways or in garbage bins. 

     After about thirty minutes of attempting, Tord couldn't find anything to eat. His stomach growled and rumbled in annoyance for his failed attempt. "Looks like I'm not eating breakfast again." Tord mumbled to himself. Tord walked the downtown streets for a while longer, passer-byers would often stare or gasp at his appearance. He put up his tattered hoodie over his ruffled, dirty hair and shoved his hands into his pockets and walked on. 

      Meanwhile, Tom was in his bedroom trying to fix is broken bass that had been ruined from the incident. He grumbled to himself as he struggled to place the shards and pieces back together once again. "Augh! Why does this have to be so difficult?! This is all of your fault Tord..." Tom spoke aloud to himself. 

     Tom pushed himself away from the table his broken bass was on. He ran his hands through his soft, chestnut colored hair. He sat up from his chair and walked out of his room, needing a break from the stressful process of fixing his favorite bass.

      Tom walked out to the kitchen and proceeded to open up the fridge, he then pulled out a bottle of Smirnoff. He popped off the bottle cap and downed the whole bottle of alcohol. Tom didn't stop there, he continued to drink two more bottles of the alcoholic drink with pleasure until he became drunk. He stumbled over to the living room afterwards and plopped down on the bright red couch. Tom's black 'eyes' soon grew after a few minutes of silence and then he soon passed out cold.

      Edd soon walked into the room and peered over the back over the couch and down at the sleeping Tom. He sighed to himself and leaned over to pick up Tom off the couch. Edd carried Tom out of the living room and down the hallway, he stopped at Tom's bedroom doorway and  stepped inside. He layed Tom down to the unmade bed and shut the blinds and turned off the lights of the room. Edd then walked out of the room and shut the door behind him. 

(1,106 Words)

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