Chapter 2- Pain

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Tord POV:

     I walked down the littered sidewalks of the city. My face stung as a gentle breeze brushed up against it, causing my messy hair to cover my eyes. I shut my left eye as I felt a sharp pain run down my mangled arm as a person quickly bumped into me walking by.

     I could feel small tears well up in the corners of my eyes as I cradled my bleeding arm with the other. "You're pathetic, you know that? You can't even take care of yourself."  The voice in my head spoke to me in whispers. It always came to me when I was feeling happy, or when I was alone, anytime of the day, anywhere in the world, the voice always trailed after me in the background of my life. 

Telling me thing I don't want to hear because I know that they are true. 

The voice is always correct about everything. 

     I quickly walked into a nearby shop downtown and scurried into the public restroom inside. I quickly locked the door behind me once I was inside and I rolled up my tattered hoodie sleeve.

     My arm was shredded and bright red, stained with blood, old and new. Deep and long, twisted burns and gashes ran up and down my thin arm all the way up to my face. I turned on the faucet from the sink and slowly ran my burning arm through the cool, soothing water. 

     I bit my lip down as the cold water washed away the blood oozing from my arm. I gathered up some paper towels and gently dried off my arm and slowly pulled the sleeve down again, trying not to let the sleeve rub up against my aching arm. I then proceeded to reach into my pocket with my good arm and I pulled out a small, blood stained razor blade I found in an alley way a week earlier. I rolled up the other sleeve of my hoodie on my left side and exposed my previous cuts that covered most of my arm. 

     I proceeded to lay the small razor against my skin and slid the blade against the surface of my skin, again and again, where ever there wasn't a cut, I filled it in with new ones until I couldn't take the burning sensation anymore. I washed the fresh blood off both the blade and my arm. Wishing the water would also wash away all my problems and fears.

      I rolled down the sleeve of my sweatshirt over my burning arm and unlocked the bathroom door. I cautiously walked out of the restroom and out of the shop and into the downtown once again. I slowly walked down the streets, it started to lightly rain after about fifteen minutes, then it started pouring down in heavy sheets of rain soon after. 

     My hoodie clung onto my thin body, easily exposing out every little detail as the blood and rain soaked into it, coloring my once red hoodie into a deep crimson hue. My hair became dark with water and stuck onto my face. I didn't care that I was getting soaked, I continues to trudge along the sidewalk, my feet splashing into little pools of water beginning to form in the curves and cracks of the sidewalk panels. 

     I let the rain wash away my tears that stained my swollen, red, scarred cheeks. The rain felt pretty calming in a way, I welcomed it. I stood still in complete silence and closed my swollen eyes. I was then unexpectedly interrupted by someone shoving past me in a hurry, sending my to loose my balance and stumble, causing me to fall down into the busy road behind me.

Edd's POV:

      I sat down in a chair in the living room after putting Tom back in his room. I stared out of the window, my eyes following the rain drops as the raced down the window panel of the apartment. 

     I heaved a deep sigh, I couldn't help but to think about Tord and the incident. How he hurt Tom, tried to kill all three of us, destroyed the house, killed the neighbor, and tried to dominate the world. Why would I think about him and still care about him after all he had done? I decided to take a brief walk outside to the downtown area to clear my mind from my troubled thoughts for a little while. 

      I pulled up my green hoodie over my head to protect myself from the heavy rain, and stepped out the door into the dreary, rainy streets of the city. "Gosh, it's really raining hard out..." I mumbled to myself as my feet splashed on the tiny puddles of water forming under my feet.

      I grinned to myself a little, it's the simple pleasures in life that make me happy. I walked down to the downtown area of the city to grab a quick bite to eat, I hadn't eaten much for breakfast this morning, I hadn't had much of an appetite. I decided to stop by a small bakery that I knew about a few minutes down the street and see what they had to eat. 

     I looked at my watch , it was only 9:43 in the morning and there were already multiple people and cars out of the streets and roads trying to hustle and get to work on time. I weaved my way through the busy sidewalk streets, trying not to bump into many people, the rain splashing off my hoodie and soaking through, causing my hair to stick to my head.

      I peered over the sea of people in front of me and squinted ahead to find a red hooded figure laying on the bustling road a few yards ahead of me. It was a person, it looked like he had fallen down into the road.

Tord's POV:

      I hit the hard, solid ground with a loud thud as I fell down. Water splashed around me, sending droplets of water flying around me everywhere. I groaned as I opened my good eye, I struggled to get up since my whole body just ached and burned. 

     The ground underneath me rumbled slightly and I heard a faint rumble in the distance. I squinted through the rain to see two car headlights coming strait my way. Before I could see the green hooded figure stand a few feet away from me, it was too late.

Edd's POV:

     I saw the red hooded man struggle to stand up from the rainy ground. No one payed any attention to him or bothered to help him up. I noticed that he was already badly damaged, I began to walk up to him to help him when I saw a fast speeding car coming strait his way on the road. 

     I gasped aloud as I saw the front of the car smash strait into the man, I heard a ear splitting crunch and I winced as I saw the car send the man flying through the air and hit the ground with a loud crack.

      I heard the car screech to a halt soon after that and people around me began to panic and scream out. My instinct kicked in and I ran over to the bloodied man only to see the last person I thought to expect...

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