fourteen .

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"What do we do now?", Fiona asked while everyone was standing on the beach. They were all fidgeting around on the sand as Jake gave Emma back her shoes. Thomas and Eliot were fidgeting more than the others expecting to turn into dust right after the loop closed. But, nothing they had not aged years older like they expected too, so they stood side-by side hoping for the best.

"Is there any sign of Barron and Miss Peregrine?", Jake asked to the group. "Gone, Barron must have had a boat", Eliot went to Olive's side and held her close to keep her warm. Or himself the girl was basically fire.

"Well, we have to go after them. We know he is taking her to Blackpool", Jake was sure of to make a plan. "But Blackpool is miles away, and the next ferry doesn't go for hours. We'll never make it in time", Millard interrupted. "Keep your hope up Millard", Both Victor and Thomas had said before they pushed the back of the invisible boys head before giving a 'we need to talk later' look.

"Not unless we go by boat too", Jake gave Emma a look while the others were confused. "We are all going to swim to the bottom their is a sucken ship there. I can clear the water then she will be running good as new", Emma looked into the sea. "Is it bad that I mention that I can't swim", Thomas raised her hand to the leaders. 


"Victor close that door", Jake yelled while everyone gathered at the cabin. The ship started to rise up as all of them were left against the barnacle filled wall. "Thank god", Thomas kissed Enoch on the cheek when they were floating as a sign of thanks for force swimming with her and making it out alive. "Say Thomas can we get one too", Millard said as both him and Victor strolled around. Victor putting a finger on his cheek while they guessed Millard did the same thing but, it was difficult to tell since his clothes were soggy.

"Like hell she would", Enoch pulled Thomas closer by the waist and lead her back to the banquet room. "STAY BIBLE LENGTH AWAY FROM MY SISTER", Eliot yell was faint but, Enoch ignored him and brought her closer. "ELIOT LIKES LIKE OLIVE", Thomas yelled while a high pitch joy scream went out then a bunch of laughing."You must be freezing", Enoch squeezed out the water from his sweater while Thomas went to sit down. "I've been colder. I'll be back I need to talk to Victor", she rose when the strong siblings entered the room.

"Victor mind we have that chat now?", Thomas asked while he kept his eyes down and only nodded. "How are you doing?", they had sat down at a table away from the others. "How are you doing? The first thing that came into your mind when you gave your life to me. Thomas that was dangerous we thought you were dead all this time. And for my life for yours that wasn't worth it", Victor went on. "I am sorry. I just.. Victor you mean so much to this family", she tried and got the right words. "And so do you. Tom, so do you. Don't ever do that again. This eye color change mean anything?", he lightly scolded her.

"About that itsjustnowimpartofyou", she blurted in embarrassment. "Excuse me I must have some water in my ear. Please explain", he cleaned his ear. "I am a part of you. It's like when you came back to life my soul energy substance, I'm still trying to figure it out. It moved to you. Say you drank at least 75% of my saliva and its in you now. Victor you were bond to have some of me, I guess it was my eyes", Thomas looked down at her half dried sun dress while Victor blushed. "Well that was, erm unexpected. I must say you have wonderful eye sight. Expecially more color around Enoch. I guess I don't have a chance anymore since it would be dating yourself. Enoch is very lucky", he scratched the back of his neck.

"I don't want to be a grump but I want my girlfriend and best mate back", Enoch yelled from the other table. Both of them chuckled while Thomas made her way to Enoch. "Say they have been there quite a while, don't mind we see what they found", Thomas brought Enoch to his feet. "Oh your evil", Olive chuckled thinking about the love birds while she got closer to Eliot.

"So, have you found Miss Avocet's  loop on the map yet?", Enoch flung the room open with scottish accent and all. The pair had step away from each other as the rest of the children were giggling. "It's here but, it's new. Se made it early this year, it's my year. If we don't get out before it closes, we're stuck in January 2016", Jake and Emma walked over with the map. "Great! So time catches up with all of us, we all die except you! Plan?", Enoch said while Thomas elbowed his rib. 

"Loop closes at four-thirty, which means we need to get in, rescue the Ymbrynes and get out." Jake explained. "Yeah if we're not already dead. Miss Avocet said the machine is in the cellar of the Blackpool Tower building. That means we'll be indoors with Hollows", Enoch got another jab to the rib while this time he held Thomas' hands. "No, we won't. I've got a plan, but I'm going to need your help. Eliot you remember Blackpool right?", Jake asked. "If you count all the countless places I pranked in the area yes", Eliot said this time getting a jab by Olive.

"That's all I needed to know, from the pier how far away is the tower? Enoch can you still bring back some dead um skeletons around us?", Jake asked around. "Well the tower is just across the road from the pier", Eliot took a second to think. "Of course I can, who would I be if I couldn't", Enoch held up a suitcase.

"Hey how long have you had that?", Thomas asked him about the suitcase of hearts that popped up. "A magician does not reveal his work", Enoch winked.

"Thomas are you up to the task", Jake pointed to his head where Enoch was already working while she made her way to Enoch, Jake continued to explain the plan. "No absolutely not", Enoch stood up and crossed his arms on his chest. "Stop being a big baby Enoch this is my family too. I want to help", she went over to the skeleton with a chef's hat on it. It had immedialy stood up while it's bones followed.

"Fine but, only that one", Enoch rolled his eyes as Thomas continued a short yes or no conversation with the skelonton. "Thank you for doing this chef", Thomas bowed her head as Enoch finished the last of the skelontons.

"Enoch, Thomas Now!", Jake yelled from the loop portal as they nodded to each other. "Just on time, this will be fun", Enoch smirked as he told his bunch to kill the Hallows. "Okay go kick some ass",Thomas told the chef who nodded and grabbed a cleaver knife. Chills went up her back as the skeletons' feet, well bones clattered on the wooden planks. Enoch went out to January 2016 watching the skeleton's take down the hallows.

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