Life In Starfall

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This is my third story! I hope that I can balance all books I have going on. Anyway, my obsession with Pedro Pascal led me to another character of his. I still hate that Oberyn died and that we didn't see much of him. So by the magic of fanfiction, I'm fixing that. This was an idea had a long time ago and I hope it makes sense.

Please note I own NOTHING! Just the couple of characters I created.

Ashara watched from her balcony at the training yard below where Arthur and her boys were clashing weapons. Her wolf pup was all Stark with curly onyx hair and pale skin, a true northerner. It was a ridiculous hassle trying to combat sunburns when he was a child. She chuckled at the memory of Jon coming back from the beach with Elios and finding him as red as a ruby. Elios teased him by tapping his burning skin then running away leaving the sound of laughter behind him as Jon gave chase despite it pain he was in. Her little pup was generally reserved just like Ned but when he was around Elios, he was more generous with his laughter and smiles. Ashara was relieved that Ned had agreed to let Jon stay at Starfall. She knew that he wouldn't be happy in the cold and unforgiving North. She especially feared what Lady Stark would do if she had been around Jon. She shuddered at the memory of a letter she received from Lady Stark in response to a letter that Arthur wrote about possibly sending Jon North to get to know his Stark siblings. Although the words were elegant and polite just like the lady of a great house should write, the meaning behind it was clear. A bastard would not be welcome at Stark's high table. She turned her attention back to her boys and watched them square off and circle each other before clashing weapons. Jon favored a single sword even though Arthur tried to teach him how to wield dual swords like he did while Elios favored the trident and valyrian warrior beads wrapped around his wrist. When unfurled, those valyrian beads can have the same effect as a whip.

"Come on, cousin!" Elios smirked as he gave a cocky flourish with his trident. "Are we going to dance around each other all day or fight?"

She laughed at Elios' taunt and watched Jon strike. Where Jon was calm, reserved, and thought his every step, Elios was the complete opposite. Just like his father, the Red Viper, he loved adventure. He was always laughing, getting into trouble, never sitting still, and always finding something new to learn. He was exceedingly intelligent as he was impetuous and managed to forge his own maester links in alchemy, healing, poisons, and astronomy. Although his favorite hobby surprised everyone. He was an accomplished jeweler and was fond of creating  magnificent works of art with various gems, gold, and silver. She often wore the brilliant pieces he made for her namedays. Her happy musings were interrupted as she watch the sparring match escalate from light parries to aggressive strikes. She noticed that Elios would sometimes lose himself in a fight ever since...

"Ah!" Jon cried out as Elios' trident cut his arm.

"Jon!" Ashara cried and swiftly ran down from her balcony to the training yard. She immediately ran to Jon's side checking the extent of his injuries. "Heavens, are you alight?"

"I'm fine, Mother, really it's just a scratch..."

"You could've lost an arm!" she exclaimed and motioned for a servant to bring rags to stop the bleeding. "This is why I told your uncle not to use real weapons when sparring!"

"I-I'm sorry..." Elios stared at Jon's wound wide-eyed. "I didn't mean..."

Arthur squeezed his shoulder. "We know, son. Put the weapons away and clean up for dinner. Alright?"

Elios nodded without another word and murmured another apology to Jon before leaving the training yard.

Ashara's eyes met her brother's. He had an impressive poker face but she saw the concern in her brother's eyes. In the last couple of years Arthur had brought up telling Elios the truth and sending him to Sunspear. He was a young man now and it was getting harder for Arthur to reach him. Maybe returning this passionate child to his equally passionate father would do him some good. They'd have to discuss this after dinner.

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