Song of The Raging Sun

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This is my third story! I hope that I can balance all books I have going on. Anyway, my obsession with Pedro Pascal led me to another character of his. I still hate that Oberyn died and that we didn't see much of him. So by the magic of fanfiction, I'm fixing that. This was an idea had a long time ago and I hope it makes sense.

Please note I own NOTHING! Just the couple of characters I created.

Sarella rode to Vaith with only her hawk for company. Rather than trust the maesters with sending news to her father, she brought Balerion. He was a gift her Uncle Doran gave her for her tenth nameday. She had insisted that she wanted one as a pet, but Uncle Doran insisted that she learn how to properly train her hawk and believed she would learn responsibility from it. She was grateful for this gift because she and Balarion became fast friends and she would never imagine using a raven to deliver a message. She kept a whistle around her neck to signal Balerion if she needed him. If she had good news to share, Balerion would land straight to her father's feet. She didn't want to risk enemies learning the truth before she found her brother. As she approached the castle on Vaith, she looked to the sky and smiled as the shadow of her feathered friend flew ahead to find his dinner.

 As she approached the castle on Vaith, she looked to the sky and smiled as the shadow of her feathered friend flew ahead to find his dinner

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She was stopped by the castle guards and demanded her identity. She observed the coat of arms on their shields of three black leopards before she was given entry. She wondered if there really were black leopards wandering the sands of Dorne. She hopped off her horse and walked it to the stables assuring the guards she knew her way. As she handed the reigns to a stableboy, she heard someone call her name.

"Well, it seems a Sand Snake has slithered her way back to Vaith." Nymor Vaith gently brought her hand to his lips. "You just couldn't stay away, could you?"

She playfully smacked his shoulder. "You're incorrigible! I'm actually here on some business."

"Oooh! What kind of business?"

"Not sure I should tell you." She smiled coyly. "I think I want to rest for a while...maybe take bath."

Nymor laughed, "Fair enough. I'll send for the servants, but I want to hear everything about this 'secret business'."

A few handmaidens escorted the Sand Snake to her own quarters where a bath was waiting for her. She shamelessly discarded her clothes and sank into the warmth of the lavender, lemon, and peppermint. Sarella sighed as the aroma of the steam soothed and relaxed her tired muscles. As she bathed she thought about what she was going to tell Nymor. Did he know that he gave his hospitality to her missing brother? She imagined what it would be like when she finally met him. Would he be artistic? Was he educated? Was he passionate like their father or was he gentle like the stories told about his mother? Would he hate them?

Pulling herself from negative thoughts, she called for the servants to help her be presentable for Nymor. Normally she would choose something bright with exotic jeweled designs, but she chose something simple. She was on an important mission after all. She wore white tunic with little suns embroidered on the sleeves, and trousers to match. She let her hair down in soft chocolate curls and chose a simple gold stud for her nose. The handmaidens who helped her showered her with compliments of her grace and beauty. She giggled at the absurdity of it because half the time she didn't know if these honeyed words were genuine or not. She dismissed her ladies after they pointed the way to the gardens where Nymor instructed dinner would be served. 

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