Sally x sad Reader

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Sal x sad Reader

(request by @vauxal)

The tile of the bathroom floor was like ice to the touch but you could care less, today was the worst day of your life. First your parents were fighting over who gets custody of you, you were failing your classes, and then Travis stole your grandmother's ring clean off your finger before shoving you down and calling you a bitch and saying he hopes you burn in hell. Everyday was getting harder and harder for you and you weren't sure if you could take it much longer.

You hugged your knees to your chest as you sobbed uncontrollably, your tears caused any stray hairs to cling to your face and the collar of your shirt to become damp from the tears that streamed down. Your chest tightened to the point that it hurt but you couldn't help but cry more at your world that seemed to be falling apart around you.

Until you heard the bathroom door open.

You gasped and quickly tried hush your hiccups and sobs by covering your mouth to muffle them, you peeked under the stall door and saw a pair of blue converse walking and opening each stall door before they got to yours. The owner pushed against the stall door but it was locked

“O-occupied!” you managed to get out

“Oh sorry”

The voice sounded raspy and muffled like something was on their face, you then thought of the boy known as Sally Face. But why was he in the girls bathroom?

“*sniffle* it's fine”

You wiped away your tears despite more threatening to spill, you guess he noticed your sniffling and hiccups because he spoke again

“Are you okay?” he asked

“Y-yeah I'm… Fine..”

You hesitated because you knew you weren't fine and you were never going to be fine but he doesn't need to know that.

“Do you think I can come in?”

You sniffled once more and tears began to pour out again despite you trying to stop them

“Just go away! Please…”

But he didn't, he slumped down and leaned back against the cold stall door

“Hey I uh.. I may not know what's going on but I can tell you whatever the situation is it's gonna get better, it may seem hard but I'm sure it'll be ok”

You began to sob again

“It's not okay!  My parents are pulling me away from each other because of the divorce, my grades are dropping no matter how hard I try! And someone stole something that I cherished close to me!”

He stayed silent as you cried so hard you start coughing, he let you calm down before speaking

“My name is Sal Fisher, I lost my mom when I was a kid because I didn't listen, my dad is an alcoholic and depressed, I've been bullied all my life because I look different. I made new friends and have met amazing people, I look on the brighter side of things, and I can tell you that this is going to get better, I'm Sally Face and I'm asking permission to come in and help you”

You stared at the door in disbelief, you thought he was just another person that tries to understand you in order to comfort you but he really did understand because he's been through so much too. You sniffled before standing up after he did, you unlocked the door and opened it a crack allowing him to see your puffy eyes and tear stained face as you avoided eye contact out of embarrassment, he gently pushed the door open more and stepped in the stall with you looking down at your feet. He pulled out something from his back pocket before lifting your face to look at his masked face, using a tissue he gently wiped away any tears that streamed down your cheeks.

“Your (y/n) from my classes, you sit in the far back corner”

You nodded

“Yeah that's me”

You said as he continued to wipe away your tears and moved any stray hairs away from your face, he finally stopped before pulling you into a hug. It caught you by surprise but you sighed in relief as you felt a wave of comfort wash over you and you soon hugged him back

“Sal.. Thank you”

He pulled back before taking your hand in his causing a light blush to form on your cheeks, he opened your hand before placing your grandmother's ring that was attached to a necklace in your hand

“My ring! How did you..”

“I was looking for something for my friends and found this in his locker, I knew I saw it somewhere so I took it.”

You put it on before hugging him again now catching him off guard but he smiled under his mask and hugged you back

“Thank you! Thank you so much!”

You two finally pulled back and he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as you smiled and looked away

“Y-yeah no problem, would y-you like to go have lunch with me and my friends?”

You nodded and smiled

“Sure, that sounds nice”

He nodded and held his hand out to you which you gladly took, he walked you with him to the cafeteria where you met his friends and fit right in.

Through all your laughing and joking around with them, Sal was staring at you the whole time

He knew that it was the start of a beautiful relationship.

(who's next? ^w^)

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