Larry x Reader (Sad)

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Larry x Reader (Sad)

In a room stood Larry and Sally, packing things into boxes and putting things to the side. They were almost done packing when Larry decided to go out and take a smoke break, Sal of course went with him. They went out and sat at the base of the tree house before Larry pulled out a pack of cigarettes and his lighter.

He lit a cigarette and began smoking as him and Sal stared at the building.

“I'm really leaving this place.. It's unreal man”

“Yeah it is. I remember when we first met, after that day we wanted to know so much about each other. I still feel like there's still more to know”

Larry took a drag of his cigarette before blowing out the smoke and smiled.

“Well, what is it you want to know little guy?”

Sal rolled his eyes

“Larry we're 24 and you still call me that?”

Larry just laughed and leaned back against the tree as they both fell silent once again.

“Have you ever been in love Larry?”

Larry visibly tensed then sighed

“Yeah.. I fell in love once.”

“Well what happened?”

Larry put out his cigarette and sat up

“It all started when i was 14, before i met you. There was a girl in my class… and she was beautiful..”

“What happened to her?” Sal questioned

“I was young dude.. Young and stupid..”


You and Larry had been flirting back and forth for about a month before he finally had the guts to ask you on a date. After that first date your relationship blossomed, Larry was a devoted boyfriend to you. You were all he thought about, every time he saw you his heart flipped and his stomach would feel strange, his mom said it was butterflies.

Your first kiss was something he would never forget, you both got caught in the rain and took shelter in the mausoleum at the cemetery. It creeped you out so bad he held you close to him to calm you down, it was then he couldn't stop staring at your lips. They looked so soft and kissable.

You noticed him staring and stared back at him finding yourselves leaning in closer before your lips finally met. You both had your first kiss, your stomach felt like it was doing flips. Larry's heart was racing and his face felt warm. You both caused trouble together, whether it was having a firework battle, spray painting the gymnasium, or just pulling pranks on people. And it was always together.

You both knew you were in love.


You were both so young..

Young and Naive

Over the months Larry began to notice the other girls and they noticed him. They would flirt with him and he was enjoying their attention, he enjoyed it to the point where you began to lose all his attention.

One day a girl invited him to a party she was having and he agreed.

You both walked up to the house where you could see a few teens already drunk in the yard and passed out.

“Larry I really don't want to be here.. We should head home and watch those movies with your mom” you said trying to get him to change his mind

“Come on (y/n), being shy can be cute but it's getting old already”

You felt hurt and didn't say another word

You sat in a chair in the backyard during the party trying to not have a anxiety attack from all the drunken people and guys trying to hit on you. You finally had enough and went to search for your boyfriend. You managed to push through the crowd and finally saw the long brown hair in the distance and rushed to him but..

He was with a girl..

Kissing her


Your heartbroken voice was something that he would hear during his lonely nights.

He turned and felt his own heart begin to break at the sight of your tear stained face, you were trembling and covering your mouth. You felt sick.

Before he could get a word out you ran out of the house and into the night.

He went to look for you but he never found you.

Days passed and he never saw you in school, he tried to go to your house but no one ever answered the door, you never picked up your phone, you just.. Disappeared. He didn't know that since that incident you fell into a deep depression, your self confidence disappeared. You couldn't take it.

They announced it the next day at school, Larry was in the middle of history class when he heard it

‘(y/n) (l/n) has taken her life’

Everyone looked at him as he ran out of the classroom.

Since that day Larry blamed himself, everyday. He never told anybody about it, a month later is when he met Sal. Through all their adventures and time spent together with each other or the group. She was always on his mind.

*present time*

After comforting Larry, him and Sal finished packing before they parted ways as Sal had a date with Ash. Larry spent the day in his tree house making his last piece of art he would every make, when he was done it had started to rain. He sighed and grabbed his bottle and set down his letter to Sal, the voices were flooding his head, then the image of your heartbroken face that haunted him forever appeared in his mind and that was it

He drank the contents of the bottle and sent his last series of texts to Sal before his world went completely dark..

(I was in my feels last might and needed to write something so here we are. Anywho I'm even more busy now cause art requests, geez I'm digging my own grave aren't I. Its fine I enjoy drawing. But anyway I'll talk to y'all in the next chapter ^_^)

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