Sal x Reader (Pacify Her)

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Pacify Her (Sal x Reader)

(request by @KaiDee2468)
(Okay after a few Fran Bow comments I'm announcing this... I literally have no idea what Fran Bow is, I know its a game but nothing more than that. The cat in here I based off of Midnight the Egyptian Mau from the movie Catwoman.)

The room was cold and clammy as you finally set the last box of your belongings in your room, you had just moved into Addison Apartments with your older brother who had found a better job in that town. After setting the box down you stood up straight and popped your back as your brother came in.

"You done moving stuff?"

"Yeah, couple of scrapes in the process but I'm done"

He chuckled before letting out a yawn, he worked nights so he was very tired during the days making you pretty much alone most of the time.

"You gonna nap?"

"Yeah, hey why don't you let Midnight out for a quick walk. Maybe you'll meet some of the neighbor's"

You nodded and grabbed Midnights cat leash, Midnight was your Egyptian Mau. Sounds fancy but you literally found her as a kitten in the dumpster behind a cheap burger place.

"Alright I'll be back later"

He nodded and went to his room before you grabbed Midnight from the couch and began to set up her leash. She meowed as she knew what her leash meant and quickly ran to the door

"Alright hold up girl"

You gasped as she bolted out the door then minute you opened it just a crack.

"Midnight! Get back here!"

You quickly shut the door behind you as you ran after her but stopped as you heard laughter of a girl and a boy, you turned around and saw them.

Tired blue boy walks my way, holding a girls hand

A boy with blue pigtails and a mask was holding a gorgeous girls hand, she had pretty green eyes and long shiny brown hair. The boy had noticed you as he walked your way along with the girl who was a bit hesitant about going to you.

"Hey you're my new neighbor right? I'm Sal, Sal Fisher but my friends call me Sally Face."

You blushed slightly, there was something about him that made your heart leap out of your chest and cause butterflies to stir within the pit of your stomach.

"Y-yeah I'm (y/n)"

He let go of the girl's hand to shake yours.

"And I'm Ashley, his girlfriend" her voice was stone cold as she gave you a slight glare that Sal unfortunately didn't notice.

"Oh nice to meet you"

You heard a familiar meow and looked down seeing Midnight rub against your leg, you smiled and picked her up

"There you are you silly cat"

"You have a cat too?"

You nodded as he carefully began to pet Midnight

"I have a Maine Coon, his name's Gizmo"

You both ended having a pretty long conversation about your cat's, and it's what sparked your friendship with Sal and you both got pretty close, even as close to him as Larry was maybe a little more, but you could tell Ashley hated you with a deep passion because of it.

This day was a school day. Recently you had been hanging out with Larry a lot because Ash just had to have Sal with her everywhere she went, she refused to go anywhere without him or even leave him alone with you. You told Larry about your feelings for the masked boy and he actually admitted to wanting you both together instead of Ash. As you both were talking about Ash and her behavior, the devil herself showed up while pulling Sal along with her, he looked tired. More than usual.

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