My weapon

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In the morning
Still your POV
I awoken from my sleep as I summoned my normal clothes like my  yang hoodie... I remembered about the first day and teleported back.... since I can use my powers and soul protect at the same time it's quite easy....
Then I teleported to the school seeing some boy with bright blue hair shouting; "black star,black star" I sow the rest of the students getting annoyed so I did the same until he stopped me....
"Hey whitie!!!! IM tHE AMAZING BLACKSTAR!!!!" He shouted.... I have to be honest he's annoying i just sighed and ignored him and hurried inside... walking to deaths office... I opened the door and sow a girl with bright bluish hair and silver eyes...
"Hey y/n this is Stacy your partner..."
I looked at her and smiled....
"Hello Stacy." I said shaking her hand...
Then Stacy smiled...
"Well it's almost time for you two to go..."
I looked at Stacy as she smiled...
"So what's your first class?"
"Professor stein?"
"Me too."
Then we both walked in to the classroom
There were so many students I couldn't count until my eyes lay on the same cheeks have gotten hot
"WhAt?" My partner said
"Nothing." I said as professor stein looked at us..
"Ughh umm we r new..."
"That's fine pick a seat...."
I smiled and looked around but the only seats available is the ones close to Kid but it's next to a girl with pig tails.
"I think I found one... cmon..."
my partner smiled as we both walked up and took a sat....
I glanced at kid and those two girls around him... they where teasing him... and I felt a hint of jealously,...
until the girl with of pig tails smiled...
"You must be new..."
"My name is maka and that's my partner soul..."
"I'm y/n and that's my partner Stacy..."
Maka smiled....
"It's really nice to meet the two of you....."
I smiled and looked at my smiling partner and back at maka.... then are professor started talking bout a lot of things that I didn't know.... I just half listen as maka was fieersly writing as I just watched.... I kept my mind on the plan with that boy.... then the bell rang...
"That's was quick..."
"It was!!" My partner said,
Then maka turned to us... "i guess we have same classes..."
I glancedher at my school classes.... as she glanced
"Ohhh man only this one.."
I signed as she waved goodbye.., then my partner and I walked until I heard kid call my name
I turned with a smile as kid waved...
I stopped as my partner did as well
"So how do you like it." He said looking around
"It's nice." I said with a smile as my friend tugged my arm
"Let's go."" She dragged me away... damn she's strong
I waved goodbye to kid as he smiled back...
then we reached a few more classes until break.... since I'm not hungry my friend I waited for her to get her lunch.... I always wonder why my body doesn't need food... then my friend interrupted me with my thoughts
"Aren't you hungry!!! Y/n" she said in cernern
"No I'm not actually..." I said
She looked at me hesitantly and nods... then we heard a calling.... I turned and sow maka and soul
"Hey you two want to sit with us."
"Yes of course." I said with a smile as my friend joined in as well
Then we both followed as we reached the table.... I sow kid and those two girls and that annoying freak...
"HEY ITS YOU THAT GIRL!!!!" He shouted as the girl next to him try to calm him down...
"So you must know each other." Maka said in surprise
I look at her in Annoyance
"Yes I have sadly..,"
"WHAT!!!!!" He shouted
I covered my ears in annoyance
As my friend eat her meal happily...
then I looked up as I heard a voice... it was medusa
"Y/n meet me near the nurses office I must talk to you....and it's important!!!" My skin turned really pale...
"Y/n are you alright you look really pale." Maka said
I turned to her and said "I have to go..." then I walked out quickly...
"Wait y/n!!!" My partner shouted as I speed towards to the halls
Then I reach the nurses office and went inside... I sow medusa sitting as she smiled her wicked smile at me...
"So anything interesting about the boy?"
"Ugh nothing so far.." I said with fear... then medusa got up and looked at me...
"Don't lie to me..."
"What??" Then I felt as zap in my body.,,
I fall to the ground...
"How did you do that you have soul protect?"
I said In fear....
"Young y/n you still don't understand don't you,., I have injected some of my venom in you.... and with the snap of my fingers my venom  will drain  your life force and your powers...."  she said with a smile.
I tried getting up as my body felt weaker and weaker
"And I ssensesomething.... you have feelings for this boy don't you,"
My eyes widen is shock... how does she know is it the venom
"This is extra punishment my dear...." she said as she snapped  her fingers... then I felt a sudden rush of the worst pain I ever felt in my life... it felt like my insides are going to burst and my body it's so weak i can hardly move...
then medusa gotten up and look down at me...
"I should just kill you for doing this but I'm nice enough to give you a light punishment my dear....."
she said with a smile as I was now able to slowly get up....
"Don't forget the mission y/n I need his powers now and when I mean pretty soon I mean pretty much soon..."
I looked at her with disgust and bowed then walked out..... I felt really dizzy as if really dizzy... I was holding my weight to a wall until I heard a voice...
"Y/n are you alright..."
I looked up and sow him death the kid.... I smiled and lied
"Yes... (then I puked)" I looked up still smiling
"No you not we must take you to the nurse..." Kid said
"No no I already gone... she said I will be fine I just have a cold." I said only lying...
then kid looked at me with concern.., and nods
I smiled and leaned on him as he helped me walk.. until I lost my remaining energy .,, I felt like my energh was draining even more..... that witch!!! She's doing this on purpose now....
" I-I f-Feel so w-weak..." I said holding myself
Then kid look at me with worry....
kids Pov
I couldn't handle her suffering anymore... I have to lend her some of my Shinigami power in order to heal her........ 
"Y/n...." I called out...
She turned to me as her skin was getting more pale almost to white...
"Yes kid..." then I embraced her as I lend her my power... her shivering stoped as she felt relieved
I felt kid embrace me as I felt my cheeks getting hot then I felt something warm like an energy field a very strong field........ it felt really warm and... my energy was coming back but more like I have fully recharged as a battery but different... I felt I have so much power until I Realized it... this was the power of the grim reaper... I look up as my skin changed to a healthy tone
"K-kid?" I said with a smile
He turned to me.. but I noticed something different he looked more pale then ever... it's like he's weakening
"Thank you so much" I said still looking at his  skin
He nodded
Then I heard running as I turned I sow maka and soul and my partner and that annoying black star came running along
"Y/n are you okay!!!" Maka said in concern
"Yes I'm fine..." I said getting up..... but as I thought his power flowing thru my veins it felt so calming I don't understand why medusa needed it....
Makaand my partner hugged me tight....
"It's fine guys I'm fine..."
my partner cried in my embrace until I heard soul say a word
"Hey kid are you alright you look dazed." Soul said
"Yes I'm alright just I bit tired that's all...." he said
"But your hardly ever tired,..." souls said in concern
I looked at kid as he was still dazed.... I felt bad for having kids powers in my veins but also I didn't like the effect it had put on him....
then kid smiled and nods....
"Well it's time to go to are next class...." Maka said with a smile... then kid turned to those two girls
"Liz patty?"
Liz and patty nods as I looked at my partner... she smiled....
we all smiled and went are separate ways... but in my head I thought about the plan....

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