i had light shine in my eyes, giving me a pleasant wake up call. but then i remembered what happened last night and sat straight up. no one was here, so i got up. when i did i had a massive headache, like i was hungover. i also had a pain in the side of my neck, where i presume peggy shot me with a dart. why would peggy do this?
" i'm surprised you're up ." i jump to the side to see jefferson at the door again, he grins as i roll my eyes. i bet he's enjoying this.
" what happened to fast reflexes ?" i fix the comforter on my bed, not even answering him. i don't have time to answer his stupid questions. or maybe i do. . .
" if it was your relative would you have reacted differently? wait, don't answer that, i already know ." i stare at him for a moment just so i can get my point across and turn back to fixing the sheets. his face said it all, he's acting like mariah carey with her song emotions.
" i think i've seen those darts somewhere ." jefferson nonchalantly changes the subject. i sit down on my bed, unbuttoning my vest, so i could be 'comfy' for once. my head still hurt like hell.
" yeah, they're hercules', he -" i look at the dart on the end table, realizing what i just said. how did peggy get a dart from herc if she supposedly works for a different agency? jefferson and I have the same look on our faces, I reach for my phone in my pocket.
" i'm calling laurens, hold on ." john was always my information go to. he always had tea to spill, and that's what i love about him. besides everything physically about him. . .
" hey baby, what's wrong ?" i usually didn't call him during missions unless it was an emergency. jefferson mouthed to put him on speaker phone, so i did.
" i need to know if anyone bought mulligan's darts recently, by the way, you're on speaker ." he chuckles before going silent again. he was probably on mute. then there was clanks and rustling heard from the other side again.
" one, hi jefferson," the man in front of me yells a hello back," two, yeah, washington did, and threee . . . i love you !"
" love you too jackie ," i let a smile seep onto my face, it quickly fell though," but do you know if peggy buyed any ?"
" not a chance! she wouldn't hurt a fly . . . right ?" jefferson cleared his throat, taking the phone away from me.
" laurens, why did washington buy those darts ?" he stood right in front of me just talking into my phone. how dare he, that's just plain rude.
" you didn't hear it from me, but it was for those mission sabotages he does, why are you asking ?" i start to connect dots in my head, now every thing makes sense! i sweep the phone up from jefferson, he makes an audible scoff.
" i seriously love you so much, i'll tell you more later ." i hear him giggle, we say our goodbyes and hang up. i run my hands through my hair, forgetting how it's probably sticking out from all sides.
" washington did that on purpose, he wanted to see if we would stop the mission for something unimportant, peggy was hired as a mere character in a play. the duffel bags are supplies for us, just as a plus side to being shot with a dart and getting thrown off track ." i vent in conclusion, jefferson just looks completely baffled, he acts like he doesn't know that i know more about washington than most. also all the rumours about us together being true, which was bullshit, lee was responsible for that one. now look, i'm helping avenge his death, with my enemy.
" how the fuck . . . ?" i roll my eyes and move his jaw back to it's normal position, instead of gaping open. i pick up the duffel bag with clothes in it and set it in the middle of the room. i unzip it, finding male clothes as said.
" laurens' first name is jack ?" he asks, still sitting there dumb-founded.
" no it's just a nickname, he's got one f -" i find something while digging around, lost in thought i focus on it fully. i forgot about this until now.
" oh. my. god. imgonnakillhim ." i lift up a dark red dress that touches the floor, it sparkles and flows in the air. it has black on the sides to contour, and it has a sheer turtle neck attatched. i see jefferson's face twist from the side.
" are you a drag queen out of the agency ?" i lowered the dress from my face and looked him straight in the eyes.
" no, you idiot ." i folded up the dress and set it on the bed, i digged around more, finding shoes, a regular tuxedo with a red tie, and high heels. stilettos to be exact. 5 inch stilettos.
" why is he giving you that instead of a tux, is it like a joke between you two ?" he was so clueless, though i can't blame him, he wasn't there when me and washington were talking.
" you really want to know ?" i swung my heels as a form of pointing at him.
" obviously ."
" so i was fucking washington one day and he said -" jefferson's eyes widened, but i couldn't see why," what ?"
" i thought -" he trails off. i guess he got the message late.
" it was when charles fucking lee was still alive, he spread rumours about us so we stopped ," i spit, still angered by the thought of him," it was for the better of good anyways, now he's like a dad ."
" now i'm interested in this story ." i roll my eyes, i already started it why not finish it.
" he said i have a perfect body to fill out a dress, and i said i'll wear a dress when i work with you ." jefferson let out a small laugh, shaking his head.
" i mean, you fucked yourself over with that one ." i was tempted to throw a heel at him until i laughed. for some unknown reason, my brain told me to.
" your choice of words couldn't be any better ." and soon enough he starts to laugh too, and we both sound like hyenas.
" i am not getting in that dress !" it was 2 weeks later. we had found out where king's henchmen would be. it was, unfortunately, at some ball event around times square. i had serious issues with getting in that dress, it was like it mocked me everytime i looked at it. all of my manhood would be sweeped from me, as cheesy as that sounds.
" hamilton, remember how you said you have something worth fighting for ," he paused waiting for my understandment," don't let some stupid dress get in the way of that ."
" i want to blow my brains out ." i gather the dress and shoes from the bag. i needed to shave every inch of my body so i took it all to the bathroom. i'm going to hate this mission so much, but it's all for john.
it's all for john.
that's what i told myself each time i shaved off a chunk of hair from my body.
_ _ _
a/n: not going to lie, i've wanted to put hammy in a dress for so long. i saw it somewhere but i can't remember where I saw it oof.
1250 words
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Fanfiction[ c o m p l e t e d ] an agent au (heh alliteration) shit go down but then jamilton comes up john isn't dead btw #johnprotectionsquad mullete is a thing they have a child angie is michael phelping into tea but like she be a spy lizard was once with...