| Remembered |

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You and Kusuo were special friends from childhood. He had physic abilities while you had the powers to make one forget or remember an incident. You two were basically love sick from the beginning and you both knew, you two were inseparable! That was until you suddenly vanished during primary, along this his memories of you because of an unfortunate incident. unknowing and forgotten.

Patters of our foot steps echo down the empty halls of school. Muffled chatter within different class rooms as the teacher and I head to my new class. My stomach flutters as my cheeks flush in heat as I feel nervous. My hands constantly rub against each other, fidgeting. We come to a sudden stop as we enter the chatter-filled class room.

I stand before the class, my name written on the board for everyone to see. I open my mouth as my eyes dart to unfamiliar faces... Or what I thought was unfamiliar... Bright pink hair contrasts the various colours of other students hair. Little pink bibs on the top of his head, his eyes framed with green. An emotionless expression on his face. I drain colour, "M..My name is L/n Y/n. I am happy to meet you all."


Kusuo's POV
She's a new student, just like the others from previous episodes. The only difference here is that this is a fanfiction, not on TV. Anyway, back to L/n. It's not like I can 'like' someone by a single glance. I feel my stomach twist from a bitter-sweet taste in my tongue. I look down, my hand holding my chin in thought. My memory is remarkable, so if there was someone who would leave some sort of impact I would most likely remember them. So why am I feeling this way towards someone like her?

I lift my head up, my eyes darting right towards L/n. Maybe the answer lies within her mind. I focus as attempt to read her thoughts, only getting a static fuzz from it and distant echos. As if someone made a room of TV statics and someone in there is speaking softy in a echo. Though, her thoughts are unclear. She bows, her hair covering her eyes for a moment, her lips immediately melt into a frown, her lip twitching. She lifts back up with a smile plastered onto her lips, making her way back to her seat. As she did so I look though the class, peaking into some thoughts of the class.

'Dang, another cutie.'

'Ugh, she seems like a bi-'

'I wonder when season 3 will come out... Is OPM still a thing?'

'Teruhashi is still pretty.'

'She's... adorably cute. Is that a thing? Is this love?'

My eyes widen at the familiar voice, I snap my head to the direction of the voice, only to see a set of fiery red hair, a sigh slipping his lips as he slumps his head against his palm. Oh, it's Hairo. I feel my stomach bubble with a burning sensation as my eye twitches in shock and... some other classified emotion.

Your POV
I sigh as I slouch against the wall of the roof of the school, my hair blowing gently in the morning wind. It's been exactly a week since I transferred here and is going well. Most things are going to plan, I fit in but I don't have close friends. Most importantly,
I'm far from Saiki as possible.

Don't get me wrong, I know Saiki is a nice guy once you get to know him but... I just don't want him to remember. It was my fault, all of it. He has every right to hate me and leave me but he did not deserve to remember such an incident. I made him and everyone forget, leaving him in the process. It was only the right thing to do... I sound selfish.

I sigh as I make my way back inside, only to bump into a wall... or what I thought was a wall, it was kind of soft. I glance up, immediately noticing green glasses and bright pink hair. I gasp, stumbling back. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! 

I quickly regain my composure, shoulders tensing, I mutter an apology as I attempt to make my way around him but he steps in front of me again. I gasp, looking up at him. My eyes narrow with a huff. I attempt to go around but yet again, he stands in my way. I feel my insides bubble with nervousness and stress. "Is there something you want?"

"Something you took from me."


I will have to make another part since my Kusuo crave is dying and I am now onto Connor DBH now sooo... I'll try to keep update but just not as much, thanks for reading!

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