Chapter 6 : Friday The 13th

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- Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every  pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood.

Toot Pov :

The next couple days in the morning me and Taylor would meet up and we would fuck in the bathroom. I'd leave her ass just wondering. It was Wednesday and Taylor was coming to my house after school to fuck . We were initially suppose to be working on an important project in history class but we decided to fuck. We was fucking til my folks came home. Then we worked on the project. All through working I was sending her signs. She kept moving around so I know she was getting wet . We hit the church up for bible study then had a quickie in my car. She was  laying on top of me in my back seat .. I looked into her eyes . " What we gone do Tayee."  She looked at me lost as hell " What you mean toot " she asked . " We just gone act like this ain't happening or we gone be together or we gone be fuck buddies" I asked. She was bout to answer when her phone rang . It was her moms so I jumped up and pulled off fast AF . I pulled up to her house and before she jumped out she said " you're spending the night Friday bye " . she walked into her crib and I went home .

Friday The 13th ..

I never been too worried about this day honestly. It was time to meet my babe in the bathroom. Taylor and I are finally in a relationship. I walked to the bathroom and went to the very last stall. Today was the only day that we weren't in the gym bathroom. Couple seconds later Taylor came in and I let her in the stall.

She was about to kiss me when we heard our assistant principals voice calling our name . I jumped like hell . I walked out the stall . " What were you two young ladies doing in the same car Ms.Russell ?" I was about to answer when Taylor came out the bathroom stall in tears . " She texted me and said that someone had just ran over her dog and to meet me in the bathroom . When I walked in she was crying and so I grabbed tissue and thats when you came in . " I said . I have a way with the words to get ANY teacher or woman to believe me . I knew she believed my story when she said " Don't let this happen again ladies now get back to class ". She stepped out of the way so that we could walk ahead. We headed back to class and we acted like it didn't happen. | After School |

I was walking through the  parking lot and Taylor was taking pictures hugged up with Ray. I rolled my eyes and got into my car. I turned on my radio and started to play Rich Gang and Young Thug - Lifestyle. I was blasting the song loud when this girl walked up to me name Bree and asked me for my number. I turned her down even though she was oh so fine , I was in a relationship with Taylor. Taylor was with Ray and I was with her. When Bree was at my car I noticed Taylor watching her mad almost like a jealous streak. I chuckled and pulled up to Rays car. Taylor knew what was up . She hugged Ray and jumped in the car. I ignored her the whole ride to her home. I got my bag out the trunk and then walked to her front door.  I waited until she opened her door and walked in. Her mom greeted us and went back into the kitchen. We ate and then went to her room. I was on Facebook and Bree had in boxed me still trying to get with me. Taylor was on her bed playing DJ Hero. She love to play this game but completely sucks at it . Her mom had company and so we knew we had some time . I let the music from the game play as I slid my hand into her panties and started to rub I rubbed her clit til she was about to cum. Her mom knocked on the door and my hand swiftly moved out as she opened the door. Her mother and her mothers slightly ugly friend were standing there smiling . They spoke and then left us alone. We started back again and Taylor said some crazy. " Baby I wanna finger you " . I smiled and gave her the confirmation that she could . She started to slide her hands inside my boxers and attempted to finger me. But was just rubbing her finger across my hole . I started to laugh hard as hell and she got mad and turned over . I kissed her and smiled . Then we took a nap.

|Later That Night |

I was woken to the sound of arguing. Taylor's step dad G-man and her mom were fighting. Technically its not her real step dad since her mom and him aren't married . Taylor said that he robbed them , took everything but they car and went to another state and married someone else. Then he came back like nothing happened , so she hates the dude . I guess Taylor must have heard the fussing so she jumped  out the bed and ran into the room . I heard yelling screaming and then a door slam loud as hell. Taylor came back in the room along with her mother . Her mom apologized for waking us and gave us a hug and told us goodnight. She went to her room and Taylor closed her door and jumped on top of me.  She started to kiss me. We were kissing about 5 minutes . I stopped her " Baby go check on your mom " she looked so disappointed when I said those words but it didn't matter to me. She sighed and got up and walked out the room.  A couple minutes later she came back and kissed me and pulled me on top.  I started sucking on her neck and grinding when BOOM . The door opened I jumped off top of Taylor and her mother walked in. " Excuse me Tiana" her mother said she slapped Taylor so hard I wanted to fight her !. Taylors nose started to bleed a little. "What the fuxk are y'all doing ! Huh ." Neither of us said a word and I wasn't going to . I was laying back chillin on the sly. " Get yo ass up and go get some ice and take yo ass in my room " her mom continued to scream . " What the fuck were you doing?!" I was getting sick and tired of her talking so I answered " Ma'am I was just playing with her " I said . She walked outta the room and I heard her door slam.

Couple seconds later I decided that I wasn't gone fuxk around with that crazy ass lady. I got up and packed up my stuff I'd unpacked. Taylor came back in crying and holding an ice pack to her face. " You gotta go home , and never come back " I ignored her and her crazy mama who was screaming in the background yelling " Get yo shit and get the fuck out ! I was mad as hell and Taylor could see I was hurt . " I can't be with you no more Toot . I'm sorry " Taylor said. I ignored her as I grabbed my first bag and headed to my car with it. I heard a drop and I looked up and this lady was dropping my shit out the front door . I ran up the stairs and grabbed my shit . She was on that bullshit. I heard her yelling and Taylor screaming in pain. I pulled off in my car fast as hell . I walked into my house and my grandma asked me what was wrong and I told her some bullshit lie with a phone charger and all that. She bought it and I went in my room. I got in my room and I started to cry like a baby. Nobody would ever know the pain that I felt that night.

The next day I got a call from Ray.

" Toot what's going on ?"

"Nothing  wassup Ray ?"

" Taylor in the hospital she beat up bad but they letting her out today she got stitches. "

" Really bruh?"

"She got in a fight, she won't say with who . That's why i called you because I didnt know what was going on and I know you were there yesterday after school "

" yeah I left though ."

" Alright well imma call out baxk "

I hung up and turned over in my bed again . Replaying all the things her mama was saying. How she would place a restraining order against me if she finds out I even talked to Taylor. Ugh why this have to end like this man.. I grabbed my pocket knife and cut my wrist a little to escape the pain I was feeling .

I Really Hope Y'all Like This Chapter . make sure y'all check out Seduction & kik me ' if you wanna be in it .
kik : YouveFoundNiQ

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