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"Come on," Shelby calls behind her, her dark hair trailing along behind her. "We've gotta get there before she closes."

I furrow my brows, "She? Where-"

"Shush, hurry up." Shelby cuts me off, her mission the only thing on her mind.

She's at least twenty feet in front of me, swimming faster than I ever have— even when I'm in dolphin mode. Her tail glides through the water, moving as quickly as a hummingbird's wings.

"We're almost there, just around this corner,"

I try to speed up, finally catching up with her. "Can you just tell me where we are going?"

"The witch's house." She says as we stop at the opening to a cave, covered by a huge door from a sunken ship. "Now shush and let me do the talking, okay?"

Before I can ask anything else, she knocks on the metal door, the sound ringing through the water. A few seconds later, a older woman opens the door, her grey tail treading as she holds the door, looking is up and down. "What are you here for today, Shelby?"

"Sorry to interrupt whatever you were doing, Darla, but this is the most important thing I've ever had to ask about." Shelby says, her eyes pleading for the woman to corporate.

"I'd doubt that," Darla says sarcastically. Her eyes move to me, scanning me over. "Are you going to stay there like a frightened guppy or are you going to introduce yourself?" She doesn't seem pleased.

"Um, I'm Rikki."

"Last name?" She ask.

"Chadwick," I answer.

She furrows her brows, "I don't know anyone with that name. Are you from another pod?"

Shelby spoke before I could answer, "That's what I'm trying to tell you! She's not from a pod. She's from the land, Darla! She was changed in the moon pool!"

"The destroyed one? But that means . . ." Darla trails off, giving me a look of sorrow.

I finally start talking, angry that everyone seems to know what's going on but me. "Can someone please explain to me what's going on!"

"If we don't get you to that moon pool, you'll be a mermaid forever." Darla says, and her words make my heart stop.

A Change in the Tides (H2O: Just Add Water)Where stories live. Discover now