21? Yeah Sure...

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Author P.O.V

They both part the kiss slowly with their eyes still closed. Only their hot breaths that can be feel on each other's lips as they breath heavily and slowly, yet unsteady on being either slightly nervous or just because their hearts beats fast. They open their eyes seeing each others lips. Their gazes then trails up to meet each others deep eyes. They stare at each others eyes for a good 10 seconds, admiring the stare they give with each other

The long silence broke by a sneer as Mark craves a grin on his lips still staring in (y/n)'s eyes..

"Guess that explains everything then..." he said as he forms the sweetest smile to her with their face still inches away

(y/n) blinks as she realize on what she has done, making her face feeling hotter than ever. Mark laughs at the heroine's attitude which he finds it cute..

She quickly backs off from Mark with a panic state. Her eyes are shaking, her heart beats fast uncontrollably, her hands starts to tremble a bit.

"Hey, It's okay.. It's okay.. I know you're really flustered and that's okay.. It's okay..." Mark holds her side softly with a soft stare to ensure her that she doesn't have to be panic

(y/n)'s breathing slowly becomes normal the second Mark touches her softly although she still feeling the Merry go round on her stomach still going around wild there..

She slowly looks down with her arms crossed in front as if she's covering something and begins to let out soft sobs

She doesn't know the reason why she suddenly cries. It's actually a burst of all the feelings that she kept long time, slightly feeling relief too..

Mark smiles with his stare become even softer when he sees (y/n) softly sobs and he start to pull her slowly towards his chest and wraps her in his arms with his cheek resting beside (y/n)'s head, softly he caress her head with the other one caressing her side still not letting her go from his embrace

"You've done your best.. thank you (y/n)..." he said tenderly with his embrace getting even tighter when (y/n) buries her face in his chest and her hands grabbing Mark's shirt a bit as he said that

The comfortableness between them cracks when they hear a knock on the door with them looking at the door with surprise

"Are you guys good with each other already??? I wanna sleep....." they hear Haechan's whining voice

They both laugh at Haechan's sudden funny presence with (y/n) wiping her tears away and they start to part with each other

"We're good now!" Mark said a bit loud

The door knob starts to click as it opens with Taeyong, Haechan, and some of the others in front of the door

"Move" Haechan storms in the room and crashes himself to his bed

"You guys sure you're alright now?" Taeyong asks them with his eyebrow raised

"Definitely" they both answered

"(y/n), did you cry??" Jaehyun asks her surprisingly

'Oh shit..' she thought as her eyes widen in realization

"Whoa, what happened??"
"Mark! What did you do to her!"
"Did he force you to say that you guys are already good with each other??"

"I'm gonna close the door again and locks it" Taeyong said as he about to close the door

"No!!! Nonono! We really are good now!" They hold the door

"Then prove it" Taeyong said

They blink in surprise as their hyung said that and stands there frozen leaving the others staring at them with raised eyebrows

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