(3) Coffee

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"You seem sunny like the weather today," Wonpil remarks as he takes the seat in front of you.

You just flash a smile and look at your plate. Getting ready to eat your lunch, you grab the spoon and fork, a very familiar figure suddenly appears beside you.

"May I?"

Wonpil gets startled and almost chokes on his water. As he puts the glass back on the table, he stands up and faces the CEO. You, on the other hand, are still seated while looking at your boss, puzzled.

"Go ahead, Sir. We'll just—"

"No," he cuts Wonpil off, "I mean, I'll have lunch with the two of you."

Wonpil quietly returns to his seat as Mr. Park takes his, too. You're thinking that it'll be awkward eating with your boss but surprisingly it's not. You actually imagined your lunch to only have dead air, awkward clearing of throats, and small sounds from the utensils but the CEO keeps initiating confabs—which is not work-related, and thankfully that Wonpil's also with you (he talks to the boss more comfortable than before—way comfortable). He asks about what's going on with your normal lives, and he shares about his, too.

Somehow, you feel like they have their own little bubble—even though Mr. Park faces you and asks you things from time to time. Am I imagining things? Maybe it's just my awkward self.

He talks about how he originally wants to be in the film industry because he fell in love with three-dimensional animation through animated films. But his brother has been a gamer ever since they were little and when he made him watch some cinematic game trailers (World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy, The Witcher, and Assassin's Creed) he thought 'Why not hit two birds with one stone?' He can develop games and do 3D animated trailers—it may be way shorter than 3D animated films, but somehow, it's still kind of the same.

The boss looks softer (as Wonpil calls it), his eyes even sparkle when he talks about animation and his brother. But there's more. You squint your eyes.

"How are you spending your afternoon?" Mr. Park queries after finishing his plate.

"I'd probably watch some animated movies with characters that play instruments," Wonpil answers "I'm actually excited about this new game. I like the idea of having musical instruments as weapons."

Mr. Park nods in agreement, "My brother was thrilled, too. You know how I always consult him with the game designs and all of the concepts in all of our games?" Wonpil nods and you stay still "When I told him about this, he can't wait for it that he goes here almost everyday to see how it's going. You still remember him?" The question is directed to Wonpil.

With a questioning look, you tilt your head and see your best friend takes a brief peek at your face before turning back to the CEO, "Yes, of course."

The conversation is interrupted by a phone call. You notice Mr. Park glances at you before excusing himself to answer the call and leave the table. You cross your arms and arch your brows at your best friend who's now looking at you with guilt etched on his face.

"I had my internship in their studio when he was just starting," he bites his lip, fumbles his fingers, and looks away "He was also my senior in college. That's why I know his brother."

So that explains why it seemed like they had their own little bubble. But you still can't help but think that there's more to it.

"Can you make one for me, too?" You almost jump in surprise upon hearing the CEO's voice behind you, few hours after lunch, asking you to make coffee.

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