True or False

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Mary's P.O.V

A few days passed since we saw the show, and nothing is happening. Brook, of course, was beyond relieved, but to be honest, I was hoping that they text us or something, show a sign of life. Matt and I ran into each other at the store, talked for a bit, and exchanged numbers. Maybe even call me up if there's another show.

I knew that Brook wouldn't go this time, not even if I begged her. But, I was fine with it. After all, I already dragged her to the first show.

A few days ago after the show I had ran into Matt at the store, he and I got into talking and wanted us to hang out with him and the others, but when I was out in the parking lot my car stopped working, so Matt offered me a ride home, and on the ride home I got to know more about him and the guys better, to where I knew that Matt was actually the only one with a girlfriend. 

I told Matt what Brian had done to Brook, and he told me that it wasn't something Brian usually did. We both agreed on that even though the words coming from Brian's mouth were cocky, his eyes held something else. 

      Brook and I were just finishing dinner when we heard a knock at the door. We both looked at each other, knowing that visitors were never common for us. I looked through the little peep hole and saw Zacky and Brian standing there patiently. Shit! I probably looked horrible--wait, what were they doing here?

I opened the door slowly and greeted them with a smile, "Hey," Zacky pulled me into a tight hug, and for a while, I stood there, shocked. I wasn't even sure we were really friends, but I returned the favor as I remembered what Matt told me in the car 'We are somewhat huggers.' He wasn't lying. 

I let go and moved aside to let them in, I shut the door behind them and smiled. I opened my mouth to speak but Brook had entered the living room cutting me off, I stared between her and Brian seeing flames burning in her eyes.

 "Brook, I'm sorry for last time, and I swear that I won't do it again. Only if you want me to, that is." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively but playfully. Her response was a swift punch in his arm while smiling fakely. "OUCH!" Brian hissed in pain.

"Apology accepted," she said, "but, if you do something like that again, I won't be afraid to chop your hands off." Brian noded in respons, I giggle and then look back at Zacky. 

"What are you two doing here?" I asked.

"We wanted to invite you girls to the movies," Zacky said, "would the two of you like to come with us?" I looked at Brook and smiled at her, mentally pleading for her to come. After all, Brian apologized and she accepted it, so all was well, right?

 Brook sighed, "Okay I'll go, just give us a moment." She grabbed my arm forcefully, and dragged me into her room.

 She closed the door firmly and muttered. "This time he better be good, or I am never going out again, even if you beg me."

"Okay, okay." I rolled my eyes and started to look for proper movie clothes.


We drove to the movies and pulled up in the parking lot. Brook chatted with Brian,  almost in a friendly way, and I knew she would be fine. For some reason, I felt really comfortable with Zack; the way he talked, our common interests, and his quirky humor. 

I could hear, this time, Brook and Brian laughing with each other, I crossed my fingers hoping this peace would last. But knowing Brook...It probably wouldn't. They guided us to the back entrance of the movie theater, and exchanged looks with each other.

"How about we sneak in the back?" Brian suggested. 

"Wow, first date and we have to sneak in? So romantic!" Brook sarcastically said, Brian chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"Well I thought this was just us hanging out, I didn't think you thought of it as a date!" Brian smirked getting right back on her nervs. "So I'm guessing that was a no, right? Mall cop can't stand to break the rules?" 

I wanted to laugh, it was amusing considering how Brook broke the rules almost all of the time. Brook rolled her eyes at Brian and then agreed to sneak in.

"Alright, let's do this! I don't know if it's just me, but doing things like this gives me thrills." I laughed, pulling my hair into a loose ponytail.

 "Oh! I bet you like it from behind, don't you?" Zacky teased, putting himself behind me with his hands on my hips. Zacky and I hardly knew one another and he was already doing stuff like this? I pull away from him in disgust. I looked at him not even bothering to waste any words on him, I walked into the theater with Brook quickly following behind us.

Brook's P.O.V

We followed Mary into the theater room, we didn't exactly choose a spesific movie. Zacky sat down next to her quietly and conversed in low whispers. By a slight nod, I knew Mary forgave him. Obviously, it wasn't long before she started laughing with him again. I was suspicious about the boys. I wasn't one who easily trusted people right away, and right now, they weren't exactly trustworthy. Brian tells them he were going to get something to eat, and he asked me to come with him. We both stood up and made our way out of the room, and went to go buy ourselves some popcorn.

At the desk, a weird impulse came over me, and I pecked him quickly, startling him and me. It wasn't a real kiss though, but it hinted at a real one. I blushed, and turned around. A little later, I was talking to the person at the front desk, and I noticed some girl start talking to Brian. Except he didn't look very interested at all.

"Here's my phone number," her high-pitched voice said as she gave him her number, "give me a call sometime." I remembered that girl was watching when I kind-of kissed Brian-obviously he was with me.

 "Don't you see that he's uh, kind of, taken?" I barked, turning around, "So back off." Honestly, I didn't know what I was doing. Was I jealous? Brian and I weren't even labeled or anything.

"So?" She asked, like what she did was right, and crossed her arms over her chest and took a step closer to me. I smirked, the boney bitch was going to regret not walking away. I didn't even care if everyone was staring at us, and boys in the back watching with wide eyes as if this was the best movie they had ever seen. This bitch was annoying, and she was going down if she didn't go away.

"Bitch, you do not want to get in my face," I hissed.

"God, do you have anger issues?" she rolled her eyes, and shoved me a little.

"Aw," I said, being feigning sweetness ,"you're so adorable! Oh wait, no, you're a-whore-able. Now, leave." One more chance. Then, I was taking action.

She huffed and flipped her black hair behind her, I raise a brow at her, "I don't think so." She said, smiling at me, challenging me to do something.

"Oh yeah?" I punched her in the face and she fell back with a bleeding nose.

She was lucky I didn't even use my full force.

Brian grabbed my hand and we quickly ran out of the main room and back to the movie area. I sighed, what was I doing? Brian probably thought I was nuts now. "You are so awesome." He said, intertwining my fingers with his.

"I-" I couldn't say anything. My anger was fading away just as fast as it came, and I bit my lip sheepishly.  Maybe Mary was right about them. Maybe they weren't as cocky as we thought.

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