New Start

334 46 20

Brook's POV 


I sighed driving up to the apartment; today wasn't really my best day for working. I couldn't handle all of the men staring at me, and then some even pinched my ass? I can't keep this job; I wouldn't be able to hold in my rage anymore, I just wanted to beat them to death, in front of their wives and children. I took a deep breath as I prepare myself to see Brian once again. I walked up the stairs; I could feel my heart beating a thousand miles per second. 

I opened the door taking off my shoes; I slammed the door behind me and took my shoes off letting them fall to the floor, I was about to take my jacket off till I paused realizing my surroundings. I dropped my purse—I felt my heart stop. Flower petals covered the floor, candles were lit. "Brook, I uh...didn't expect you to be home so early!" I heard Brian say, I turned to him opening my mouth to speak but my jaw just hung open—drops of water started slowly sliding down his body hot body, a towel wrapped around his waist, how I wish it wasn't. "Brook...?"

I shook my head trying to get back into my right state of mind, "Um...I...I-uh, I'm sorry, what?" I began to fan myself off as I cleared my throat hoping that Brian didn't notice my constant staring, but I'm sure that he did.

"I was just wondering why you were home so early?" Brian asked again fixing the towel around his waist, trying his best to keep it up in place. I closed my eyes and then looked away. 

"I'm getting tired of that job," I simply said. "I'm thinking about quitting but I probably shouldn't." 

"Why don't you quit?" Brian asked, I shrugged finally taking off the rest of my jacket, I threw it onto the couch and sighed.

"There is no way I can risk losing yet another job, even if guys continue pinching and staring at my ass like I can't see or feel anything!" I complained, I walked over to the couch quickly catching a glance of Brian before I sat down. I knew that Brian wanted to say something, but he just stayed quiet.

"So umm...." I paused looking around, "what's with all of the flower petals and candles? Got a date or something?" I questioned already knowing the answer to that. He chuckled making his way toward me. 

"Not really much of a date, but you could call it that," he shrugged, "I'm trying to get this beautiful girl to forgive me, " Brian said playing along. "I doubt that she will though, I messed up pretty badly with her. She...won't really look or talk to me, it's been a while since we have." He looked down at his hands probably becoming sad yet again.

I crossed my arms over my chest. It broke my heart realizing how hurt he was, but he brought it upon himself. "You really did mess up," I agreed, "But who knows, she might just forgive you!" I said giving him hope.

"You really think she will?" He asked looking up at me, I smiled and nodded.

"I do, but as long as you continue to make it up to her for the rest of your life," I dragged on. " her some gummies and a beer every now and then," I shrugged smiling at him which made the smile on his face grow even wider. 

"Alright, just let me go get some clothes on," I grabbed his wrist keeping him down; he looked at me confused. "What's wrong?" 

"I think you look better like this," I smirked, he raises and eyebrow as a smirk grew on his face. "But...I think you'd also look better without the towel on ya." He doesn't say anything,  I leaned close to him placing my lips gently against his; my heart beating fast. I closed my eyes wrapping my arms around his neck while I ran my hands through his wet hair. 

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