Masquerade Party

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Mary's POV

"Why do I have to go to that fucking party?" I asked Brook lying there in bed wanting to cover back up but she them off of me since I refused to get up. I wasn't in the mood of going to a place filled with strangers. Then again, I wasn't in the mood for anything really. I just wanted to stay in bed and listen to music. 

"Because I want you to come, you don't have to be scared of anything Zacky won't be there!" She responded, my eyes shot open, did she really think that I was scared of being in the same place as him? I threw the pillow off of my face and sat up glaring at her. 

I looked her dead in the eye before I replied to her response. "I am not scared of him, not am I scared of being in the same place at him." I growled, she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, I knew she probably had enough of the attitude I was giving her, but I really couldn't help it.

 "Alright fine, you aren't." She said, "but Mary, I think you should come, Brian is expecting you and it'll do you some good," Brook said putting a smile on her face. She was trying so hard to make me smile and happy and here I was, being rude to her and trying to push her away. 

 I sighed. "Only if I can get drunk and forget I'm at that fuckin' party," I told her. It was no pleasure to go there. But Brook seemed so happy and she was always by my side, so I guess it was my turn to do as she told. 

"Yes!" She chirped, "Now get in your dress, I set it in the bathroom for you, I also put some heels in there for you too. Go get cleaned up, I'll be in the living room if you need anything." She said shutting the door behind her; I swore I could have heard her squeal in victory from outside the door. 

A few minutes later, I had put on the red dress that Brook at picked for me after taking the shower. I had to say it was my favorite out of the 4 dresses I own. It was red and sparkling. I brushed my hair as it fell straight on my chest, I applied light make up since we were going to wear a mask. I grabbed my long black boots and walked out of my room. As I entered the living room, and saw that Brook was waiting for me. She was wearing a cocktail black dress. We made our way outside the house locking the door behind us; we got into Brook's truck and headed over to the Masquerade Party that Brian had organized for God knows what reason he had.

We entered and we were greeted by a tall man with black hair and his brown eyes fell on Brook, he then saw me, "hey! Look who's finally out!" Brian smirked; I send him a small smile as I make my way to the bar. I was really happy that Brook was head over heels with Brian, really. All I wanted for her was to be happy with a great guy. But a part of me felt jealous about her and I was scared to lose her. If she was happy with Brian she would move in with him and she wouldn't have time for me and at the end we wouldn't be friends and that was killing me. As I thought about those sad thoughts I walked straight to the bar. "Vodka please." I ordered the barman as he nodded, and handed me my drink. I turned and looked around the place seeing everybody with a mask on, I wanted to take off my mask but I knew I wasn't allowed to, I sighed, I hated this place, maybe I could leave secretly so Brook wouldn't come home with me and have some fun with Brian. 

I turned back around when I heard a voice from behind me, "a girl as beautiful as you shouldn't be alone," someone said, I turned and see a man standing there with a smirk on his face; he was wearing a white long sleeved shirt. He had silk black hair. It sort of reminded me of someone...

I stared up and down at him before speaking, "I'm fine alone." I replied to the stranger. I was already grumpy being here so I really didn't feel like talking.

"I disagree; it's never good to drink alone. Vodka please," he ordered to the barman that handed him his drink. I sighed; I couldn't get rid of him. This was going to be a long night.

"So, why are you over here all by yourself?" The mysterious man asked.

"Because I'm stupid to believe in things that can't happen," I shrugged, "and many are just stupid enough to lie and whine that they fuck up everything, saying that they're sorry, but do they always really mean it?" I ranted, I might as well just tell him everything, maybe if I could vent things with someone, it might do me some good, besides, I don't know him and there is hardly a chance I'll ever see him again.

"Yeah, but girls are hard to impress." He stated as if he knows more about girls than I did, "and you look like the kind of girl that won't forgive after receiving flowers and going at a dinner." He smirked, "maybe the guy just didn't know how to prove it to you." He leaned against the bar and smiled sweetly.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. It's just that I'm so scared of getting my heart broken again. I like being surprised, so probably anything that I wouldn't be aware of could make it up." I had to admit that this conversation was opening my eyes. I maybe I was too hard on Zacky. I'll call him tomorrow. 

"I'm sure the guy will find a way to surprise you so much..." he reassured me, "you are beautiful, and I'm sure you are a strong woman too, he is probably too nervous to try anything without your permission, you just have to soften your heart around that guy and I'm pretty sure he'll be the best one you ever had. He'll be taking you to the beach, taking you with him every time he leaves so you can travel the world together. He'll protect your heart and body from everyone. Just give that poor guy a chance." Shit, this guy knew how to make a woman dream. I smirked and shook my head; it was almost as if this guy has met Zacky or something. 

While the bartender was speaking to someone else, he spilt a drink on the stranger’s sleeve. 

"Ah shit!" I handed him a napkin to dry himself off with, I stared at the stain, you could see through the shirt, as I stare I notice that he has a tattoo, not just one, many of them. 

It was a tattoo that I could recognize out of a million. The stranger wasn't a stranger at all, he was Zacky. Son of a bitch! I looked up into his eyes, they were the green with that beautiful sparkle in them, they eyes were ones that have seen in my dreams this entire week. I had to play the game he was playing, all at once I realized all the effort he did to walk up to me and act like a total stranger. I've been a bitch to him all this time. 

"So, I bet you're already with a girl," I said, my heart was running a mile, I had to hide my shaky hands from him. 

"Me? No! I'm...I'm chasing a beautiful girl. She is the only one that I ever dream about." he soon got lost in his words, "she is so funny that when she laughs she makes my world brighter, when she is by my side, I feel like the luckiest man alive. But I screwed up, like in every chick film--" he huffed and shook his head with a faint smile. "The guy screws up and tries to make it up to her. But I just hope it'll end like those movies when she finally forgives him and they live happily life ever after." The supposed 'mysterious' guy said. His eyes were gazing in mine. I wanted him by my side as bad as he wanted me by his. He had taken his piercings out to make it more difficult for me to recognize him, it worked...for a short while.

"Well, she might forgive you," I smiled at him, as our face moved closer to one another, we leaned closely, I could feel his hot breath floating over to me, and our lips touch. I had missed Zacky's touch for so long. Feeling his hot lips on mine without his snakebites was weird though, but I could get used to it. Suddenly he pulled away and ran out of the house. I was feeling weird at first, all confusion in my mind as thoughts rushed through, but soon realization hit me. I wasn't supposed to know it was him, and now he thinks that I kissed a total stranger. Why did I have to do that? Son of a bitch.

I walked back to the apartment leaving Brook in good hands. I opened the apartment door, and slammed it shut behind me. I hated myself so badly for this. If I still played his game then everything would have been back in place and he wouldn't be angry at me right now. But I was too stubborn and too excited to wait for his move so I decided to kiss him right away without thinking of any of the consequences it could have on his feelings.

But how was I supposed to make it up to him? Give him fucking flowers? No. I dressed in my pajamas after taking a hot shower. I sat on my bed already thinking of something to say or something to do. But I soon fell asleep. It was a tormented sleep; my mind was already apprehending tomorrow's confrontation.  

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