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Zacky's POV

I packed Cassie's things—Cassie was my girlfriend—was, because I told her everything about Mary, and I doubt she would want to still be with me—she had been my girlfriend for about two years now, I knew that it was stupid of me to have fallen for Mary, but it just came unexpected. I thought that Mary was just some mall cop; I wanted to get out of there so I decided to say what I did, and I didn’t expect this to come from it. I had fallen for Mary; I wasn’t going to deny it. At the park Brian had gotten pissed off at me that I was asking Mary out and yet still dating Cassie.

I looked over at her seeing her still cleaning herself up of all the blood. 

 Mary had scared the living shit out of Cassie; she wanted to know what the fuck that was about, I told her, she wanted to leave me, so I let her. 

Who was I to blame her? I lied to her when I didn't love her anymore. I probably should have left her a long time ago; I lied to her whenever I told her ‘I love you’. I didn’t know why, she was a beautiful and amazing woman, but not like Mary. Mary wanted to know everything about me like I wanted to know everything about her. But I lied to her, I had hurt her so badly. I knew that there wa no chance in Hell of Mary ever forgiving me for this, why would she? I wouldn't even forgive me.

I finished packing Cassie's things, I walked outside and put her things into the trunk of the Taxi. I turn back and walk up to the house, Cassie walking passed me and into the Taxi, I didn’t bother looking back at her, I just wanted her to leave. I opened the door and shut it behind me.  I sighed and walked upstairs. 

I entered my bedroom and let myself fall onto the mattress. I stared at the white ceiling; I couldn't get my mind off of Mary, even if my girlfriend had just left me, she was all that I could see, all that I wanted to see. I loved Mary, I wasn't afraid to admit it, and I was even able to say it to her, it was something I wasn't able to do so easily, or something I could say and actually mean it. I wasn't scared of this, not like yesterday, when I told Mary that I liked her. I loved her with her brown hair, the way that she easily talks to anyone who starts the conversation. The way she is always trying to make people happy—she reminded me a bit of Jimmy because of that—and I just lost her. I destroyed all the love and joy that I felt with her that I'll never find again because I know that nothing compares to her, no one else is like Mary.

I was going to need help if I was going to try and get her back. I didn't want to give up on Mary, even if she doesn't want to talk to me, I'll keep trying…no matter what. 

I took my phone from my pocket and dialed a number that I knew by heart, Brian's phone number. I told him to come over right now that I really needed to talk to him. Minutes later Brian was knocking at my front door, and he and I were sitting in the living room on the couch, me explaining everything to him.

"I told you that something would go wrong, you never fucking listen!" Brian sighed rubbing the back of his neck, "why did you keep Cassie?" Brian asked me, yelling as he was as disappointed as Mary was. The look that she gave me when she left, I knew words were useless, her eyes were so expressive that it hurt more than a knife to my heart.


​Brian's POV 

I sat by Zacky's side sighing. I told him, time after time, 'just break up with Cassie if you aren't happy!'. I watched him fall for Mary, and now I'm watching her being torn away from him. I looked down at my hands, how was I supposed to fix this when I didn't even know how? I felt like I was letting Zacky down. 

Maybe I should talk to Brook, ask her for some help. I only pray that she would.

"Have you tried talking to her?" I asked lifting up my head, I looked at Zacky who just stared down at his hands, lost. "You know, going over to her apartment personally speaking to her?" He simply shakes his head No. 

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