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Javier's POV. I haven't been able to sleep comfortably or get a girl since Jess and I broke up a few years ago . I felt terrible about cheating on her and losing my head and hitting her when I promised my self I wouldn't let it happen again with anyone . Today is the day I'm released from jail and I get to right all my wrongs and I'm truly sorry but I won't let anyone stand in my way so if she's moved on I will get whoever it is out of the fucking picture . When I am released I'm am going straight to Madrid as I got one of good friends to track her down . Don't worry mi amore, I'm coming . No one not even a relative can get in my way .                One thing that Jessica and I loved was football , the emotions, the excitement it was our  thing and you know what it still is . My parents didn't know what to do with me when they found out what I did to her . They cussed me , hit me harder than I ever hit Jess to teach me a lesson and frankly I did . My parents are hardass Italians .

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