Separate Ways of Real Madrid

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Marco's POV. Some of the team that came out of the World Cup early or their teams didn't qualify are on tour playing games . Today we released our third kit . I love personally love the red and white . The Brazilians and the french returned to our team and they're training in Madrid . I got to see Raphael yesterday and then had to fly to NYC . So for now Real Madrid has an A and B team. I can't wait to go back to see Jessica and Marina , my girlfriend and my best friend just don't tell Isco that I said that . When I fly back I have a surprise for Jessica . She's gonna meet Raphaël and hopefully she won't be awkward and be able to speak . Tomorrow we play Roma and then finally the team will be reunited again. After the photoshoot Marina calls . Me: ¿Que Pasa Princesa? I'm busy . Marina: I miss you mono. Me: I've been gone for a day and don't call me that . Hang out with Jessica she could use the company . Marina: Buen idea mono Call you later. Me: Ok princesa Te amo muchisimo. Adios .
Marina can be clingy sometimes especially when I'm away . She's scared that I'll cheat on her but she's the one and I'm thinking about proposing , that way she can stop worrying and I can start my life with her and only her.

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