Chapter 8 | Red trouble

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'You don't wanna make this work
You just wanna make this worse
Want me to listen to you
But you don't ever hear my words'


Ace confessed his feelings yesterday, and he's been busy since then. I decided to get an extra shift at the clinic since i don't have anything to do.

Last night, the nightmares started all over again which is really fun and fresh.

Ace isn't Home so I go out to the bus pretty easily. When I reach the clinic, it's too quiet.

I walk in and freeze on the spot. I see Sarah talking to Danielle that's looking the most mad.

When I decide to make a run for it, I bump into Daniel and his friends right outside the door.

When I see them all smiling devilishly at me, my face goes pale and my last thought is that I'm really hungry.

A c e

I couldn't look Ray in the eye last night. For the first time in a long time, I was scared. I was scared she'd reject me, she'd get in trouble because of me or worse.

"Boss, Daniel Martinez still has not returned the money and it's already been a month," one of the gang members, Jerry, in forms me.

"Then what are y'all doing showing me your faces? Go after him!"

"Well, I'm going to need back up and—"

"Get Robert and Blake to come with me, the others see the situation over on the west. If any of you mess this up, you know what to expect," I say coldly and storm out.

"King, you ready?" Blake, my right hand man, asks.

I give him the 'boss look' as some of the mafia likes to call it. He straightens himself up and clears his throat.

"Do you think we'll need weapons?" Robert asks.

"Get some hand guns, nothing more and nothing less. We're going to a place near people, we don't want to kill them from all the ruckus," i put a gun in the back of my jeans and some knifes scattered everywhere just in case.

When we follow the tracker on him, I see that's he's too close to being next to the clinic and my heart beats a bit faster. She's not working today, she's home and safe.

As we start reaching the clinic, I hear a group of people which would mean Daniel is not alone.

"New plan, knock everyone unconscious. It'll save us trouble. Be quick and quiet," I instruct lowly.

I walk towards the noise of laughing where Daniel is and my blood goes cold. Ray, is the last thing I can think of before I charge at all of them only seeing red.

I remember me punching a guy and him going still, I remember Blake and Robert peeling everyone off Ray and handling everyone but Daniel as instructed to do.

When he sees me, his laugh falls off his face and he backs away slowly.

"I don't have the money, please," he suddenly begs.

I scoff, little does he know the money is the last thing in think about right now.

I take a quick look down and probably regret it for the rest of my life. The image of Ray covered in blood head to toe is the last thing I see before I walk to kill the man in front of me.

R a y

The last thing I remember is Daniel landing a hit on my stomach and me coughing up blood.

So any human would be surprised to see your somewhat boyfriend fighting your foster dad after you regain consciousness.

The others were unconscious but two people that didn't seem to want to kill me, that's always reassuring. When the ringing in my ears fades away, I can hear the conversation around me.

"Boss, i don't think we should do this."
"We're out in public."

"Give it a rest Rob, you know what happens when he gets like this."

Is he gonna kill Daniel?

"Ace?" I whisper, my throat lighting on fire from the simple movement.

Seeing that Ace is in his own world, I wave my arm up to the two guys im guessing from the mafia.

"She's moving," one of them whispers.

"You think I'm blind? I see she's moving. Go out to her, you're the nice one," the other one whispers back.

"Uh, hi. I'm Robert, are you hurt miss?" The guy with messy brown hair and chocolate eyes asks me.

"No no. I'm peachy. I just decided to wear blood on my clothes and rip my flesh for design," I say sarcastically. "Ace? Get me up please."

He looks shocked for some reason and calls for the other guy and they both help me up.

When they get close enough to Ace, they let go telling me he doesn't recognize anyone in this state.

As I limp my way to Ace, I wonder why he's here.

"Ace?" He doesn't stop. Daniel is already blacked out and it's making me nervous. "Ace!" I say a little louder and touch his shoulder.

When he makes eye contact with me, his eyes change color from the stormy white to a somewhat very soft blue.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm okay, you're good," I say when he pulls me to his chest rather tightly.

"You.. you were hurt and bleeding. I saw you bleeding, you're still bleeding," he whispers into my hair.

"I know, but I'm okay, calm down please," i whisper back and I feel his muscles all relax upon hearing my voice.

"Danielle, my foster mum, in the clinic with Sarah," I somehow get out.

"Wait, foster parents? Daniel is your foster dad?" Ace pulls away just a fraction allowing me to nod.

"So Daniel is your 'dad' that you talk about but not really cause he's a foster dad?" He clarifies and I nod again, my voice would not sound as strong as I want it.

"Ace?" I say softly. "Yes bird?" He answers. "I think I'm going to pass out now," with that, I finally give out to the tiredness of my body.

The last thing I heard was Ace yelling my name and saying profanities ill tell him not to say again later.

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