Chapter 37 | Closure

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'One step closer
I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more'


A c e

As I get out of the shower, I hear my phone ringing.

"How fast can you come to the office?" Blake asks with urgency in his voice.

"I'm taking the day off," I say in a dismissive tone.

"Yeah, well, we found him. He's in Australia, dangerously close to Noah Griffin, but we know where he is," Blake says with a straight voice showing no room for humor.

"Okay," I say, hanging up and grabbing my leather jacket from the closest and run downstairs. However, when I see a distraught Ray in front of me, my heart aches all over again. As I call her name, she just looks at the screen with eyes filled with tears.

I did not expect the information she told me about Peter so without having more thought about this, I walk to my garage and get into my car, calling Robert to accompany Ray while I'm gone and make sure she's okay.

"Let the Mellows pack up tonight and set up the equipment we're gonna need, the others including me will finish what we have to do here and follow the rest first thing tomorrow morning," I order as the entire gang huddles into one room.

Without questioning me, they all nod and go off to find Jerry and figure out who should go where. Taking that chance, Blake comes up to me and stands next to me seeming lost in thought.

"What do you want Blake?" I ask as he continues to stare at the wall in front of us.

"What are we going to do with him when we catch him?" I look over at him to see what caused the sudden question. He isn't the person to encourage violence even if he is in a gang, but looking at his cold face makes me thinks otherwise.

"I will be the one figuring that out Blake, you go rest up for tomorrow, I need everyone here at their best," I order but he shakes  his head slightly.

"I'm going to tonight, make sure no mistakes are done," he decides. I look at the room and see everyone's game face, people at tables looking at maps and some on computers communicating with some hackers that help us with information. Everyone seems so set on finding Antonio but yet Blake still feels the need to supervise.

"Blake, they got this," I assure him. "I didn't pick the garbage off the street with these guys, they know what they're doing. I need you to lose whatever you're going through and follow my orders," I say in an irritated voice waiting for no reply.

He looks, more like glares, at me but I do the same thing before he scoffs and leaves to pack his bags.

Sighing, I go to my office and look over information.

R a y

"Boss lady, talk to me," Robert jokes around as we sit on the couch, my mind on Peter's mother.

"Why is Ace not back yet?" I finally speak up which causes Rob to jump slightly before composing himself.

"Well, we needed him at work so he might be late," he says, but his eyes hinting at much more.

Deciding to not sit here feeling sorry for myself, I take a deep breath and make my way to the stairs to go to my room.

"Miss Boss Lady?" I hear Rob from behind me. "Where are we going?" He says carefully.

"We're going to not be the helpless characters in a wattpad book and actually do crap," I say, determined while he looks confused.

"I really think this isn't a good idea," he warns me for the fifth time. Sick and tired of hearing it for the entire car ride, I stop the car aggressively and turn to glare at him.

"Robert, if you don't support this, leave this car," I grit my teeth and manage to get out.

When he keeps quiet, I take this as a sign to continue my way through the deserted street leading to the gang's house.

As I reach there, I see most of the mellows' cars and bikes with some suitcases. No one seems to notice me in the chaos so I use that to my advantage and walk into the house with my head low as Rob gets lost with the others that are packing up.

The inside of the house was more organized than the outside, but everyone I see is focused on work they barley acknowledge I'm here or they forget the fact I'm supposed to be home.

"So," I pop up next to Jerry, the Mellow that handles the events, he's what you would call the geek of the gang that has zero to no social life. "Where is everyone going?" I ask with my most innocent smile.

"Go away Ray," he says subconsciously, only glancing at me before turning back to his laptop.

"Come on, you can tell me what's going on," I nudge him as I seat myself close.

"Does Boss know you're here?" He challenges.

"Of course he does," I lie easily. He looks up at me but I just smile wider before he sighs.

"We found Antonio in Australia so most of us are packing up to go find him while the others that are free are following us tomorrow," he explains and I hide my shock pretty well.

"Huh, alright thanks," I spring up and speed walk upstairs while calming my anxious heart.

I bump into a person and the familiar scent hits me. I look up to see a mess of blond hair and hard cold eyes i'm not used to.

"Blake?" I reach my hand to his shoulder worryingly.

His eyes snap down and soften immediately. He reaches down with one hand to ruffle my hair and the other to push his golden hair out of his eyes.

"What are you doing here peanut?" I cringe and tense slightly at the nickname he gave me a few days ago.

"The nickname still doesn't make sense, I'm allergic to peanuts Blake," I pout and cross my arms.

"It fits perfectly!" He exclaims. "But for real, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I'm helping around with stuff," I fidget.

"Well, I'm driving you back home," he mocks me.

"No you're not, I'm going with you," I glare at him with my best death face I've learned from Ace.

"Funny, let's go," he grabs my arm and starts dragging me downstairs.

"Let go of me," I grit out. However, he keeps on pulling until we're outside in the chaos. "Blake!" I finally yell over everyone talking.

"You're going back to your house," he orders, his eyes distance.

"What's gotten to you? Get out of my way," I say angrily.

"Do you want to get hurt?" He yells back. "You know what happened last time, you were in the hospital for days and didn't speak to anyone for weeks!" He throws his hands in the air, getting more angry.

"Everyone was watching you kill yourself slowly, you weren't eating, moving. The only thing you'll get if you come with us is the same situation all over again," Blake steps closer to me and I try my best to keep my eyes dry.

I wasn't used to seeing Blake worked up, he's the peacemaker of the gang.

"Well this shouldn't have to deal with you, you're not really my boyfriend or my family!" I say which seems to hurt him.

"Oh so now everyone here that's going to sacrifice their life isn't even considered family?" He towers over me and it becomes me clear that my tears want to make an escape.

"That's not what I meant," I lower my voice. "God, what is with you today?"

Before I could even look up, I feel him lean towards me, his lips dangerously close when I do look up but my body refuses to move and just stands there with shock.

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