Chapter 21 | Ready or not, here we go.

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'Well I found a girl beautiful and sweet
I never knew you were the someone
Waiting for me'


So for the past ten minutes, i have been standing next to Ace in silence while he just continues to stare at me waiting for something to say.

"You're sure?" Is the thing I say after a while. He sighs and runs his hand through his hair.

"Yes, I am in love with you Ray Griffin," he says sincerely. "It's okay if you're not ready, I can wait for as long as-"

"No," I blurt out. "I, um," I struggle.

Do I love Ace? Of course I do. But this makes it too real. But so what if it's finally real? He's not gonna rush me.

"Ace, I-" as I'm speaking, his phone went off. He curses under his breath, and looks at the screen. He sighs and takes off stomping to the other room.

I stand there in the dark beating myself up for not blurting it out. I sigh and go upstairs to our room and decide to try again once again after he hangs up.

Update, it's been two hours and he's still talking on the phone. More like yelling, I could hear almost everything and he seemed frustrated.

As I'm thinking that, I hear footsteps coming towards the room and quickly make it seem like I wasn't listening to everything they were saying.

"I'm sorry, the guys messed something up," he said in his deep, husky, se- I need to calm down.

"D-do you need to go?" I ask shakily. He sighs but nods.

"I may be back late tomorrow, don't wait up," he says before leaving.

I groan and flop onto the bed thinking of many possibilities that could've happened differently.

Ace wasn't kidding when he said he was gonna be late, it's almost 5 in the evening and it's snowing heavily outside. I decided to bake in order to pass time, and ended up backing food for a village.

Since I was getting bored waiting for Ace to come, I decided to study lessons that were given to me beforehand to help graduate early.

I sit in the dining room eating muffins and trying to remember all the medical terms that were given.

An hour into studying, I hear the door knob jingle and the keys being set down. Not wasting any more second, I run to the doorway. When Ace sees me, his eyes go wide with a bit of amusement.

"I love you!" I yell, using my hands to emphasis.

His eyes look dull for a moment before saying, "Oh."

At that moment, my heart sinks. I start getting embarrassed and scared that he didn't mean it the first time.

When he says my face, a look of guilt crosses his.

"I'm just kidding, I wanted to do the same thing you did to me. Bad idea, I'm sorry," he hugs me.

"So you love me?" I ask.

"I love you so god damn much that sometimes I don't think you're a real thing," he whispers huskily.

"I'm not experienced," I blurt out causing him to move slightly.


"In the sexy things, I'm nowhere near experienced as any other girl. I wasn't even allowed to hear about it," i continue rambling.

"You don't have to be ready right away. I won't love you any less if you don't want to have sex," the mention of the word flushes my face completely. Ace seems to notice so he chuckles. "I'm sorry, I meant to say do the deed."

"You're making fun of me," I sink my face further into his chest, feeling it vibrate from the laughter.

"You're too darn cute to not make fun of," he hugs me tighter.

"Is it weird that I'm getting butterflies at the very bottom of my stomach?" I ask curiously.

"Ray, are you maybe horny?" He pulls away to asses my face.

"I.. I don't, i mean I dont b-believe so," I stutter. My face feels like it could fry an egg from it's hotness.

He doesn't say anything for a while so I look up to see him looking at me like he's never done before.

Before I could ask what was wrong, he attacks me in a forceful kiss that was really hard to keep up with. He slowly backs me up to a wall behind me, still kissing me. He moves to my neck, and with every breath he takes, he mumbles, "I love you."

At that moment, I realized it's not that I'm not ready, I'm just scared. I'm being a coward and preventing both us from what we want. I realized that if we don't do something, I will go crazy.

"Let's do it," I pull away slightly, breathing heavily.

"Wait, are you sure?" He asks trying to be patient, but his eyes show the lust and the plead of wanting to do it.

"I'm just terrified, but I don't want to miss any living second making you wait any longer," I conclude.

Hearing those words, he puts me on his hips and ascends up the stairs while kissing me.

When we reach the bed, he puts me down on my back before getting some things from the bottom drawer.

Before he starts kissing me again, he says,

"I love you, did I mention it?" And dives right into it.

Oh wow, this story is getting attention and it's frightening but so cool. Side note, i know I usually update early but I was having exams and some driving classes so I couldn't update as fast. Tomorrow is the last test, i think, so hopefully the updates will be more frequent. Even though I think I do well with my updating schedule. Thanks for reading!

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