Chapter 13 | Holy water

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'I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited but I
Couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it
I'd hoped you'd see my face
And that you'll be reminded that for me
It isn't over'

('ཀ'」 ∠)

I don't remember much after I saw his face, but I'm now sitting a table eating dinner with his face in front of me.

"And the monkey jumped out of her pants!" A lady, I forgot the name off, finishes her story causing everyone but Ace and I to laugh.

After the horrible conversations and keeping silent, the guys decide to start the meeting while the ladies went to the guest living room and I cleaned up.

As I'm loading the dishwasher, i hear some footsteps and turn around to see Edward.

"You haven't changed kid," he laughs lowly.

What is he? A witch? Fix that laugh you stupid person!

"You look good, gotta say. More mature, but still with the innocent look. I'm sure George would love to know what happened to you," the mention of Daniel's brother sends a shiver down my spine, but I don't break eye contact with Edward.

When he starts moving closer, I don't step back like the crazy people, I keep my ground glaring at his face.

"Feisty, finally grew some balls huh," he keeps walking and stops about a foot away from me. "I think I should put you back in your place, don't you think?"

His voice is suddenly cold with no jokes and his spit covers my face. When his fist goes flying in the air, I flinch back slightly but keep my eyes open since it feels like habit.

Instead of me getting punched, Edward is sent to the ground with a bleeding nose and an angry Ace on top of him. The kitchen is an isolated place from the living rooms so hopefully no one hears the ruckus.

"Ace! Calm down," I quickly stand in between both of them, seeing Ace's eyes turned to that weird colour used when he wants to kill people.

Seeing he's still breathing harshly and his vision is disoriented, I try again. "Ace, look at me. I'm here, into my eyes," I touch both his shoulders and visibly see him relax.

"Did he touch you?" He says, still looking at Ed.

"No, I'm okay," I whisper to his ear, trying to keep him as calm as possible.

"Stand up," he instructs Edward. He steps closer to him, the height difference is obvious between both of them, and once he's close enough to spit at his face like Ed did to me, he says, "you will leave, you won't tell anyone about Ray, you're off the project of course, and you'll be monitored. Any wrong move and you're dead."

I wouldn't have thought the color of Edward's face could get any paler than when Ace stepped into the place, guess I was wrong. He nods and quickly runs to the front door, almost tripping on air.

I sigh, and shake off the shakiness of my limbs. I run a hand through my hair and fight back tears. The situation is gone, what are you crying about? Go get yourself some ice cream and shut up.

"Ray," Ace says, suddenly in front of me. I give him my best smile and answer, "thank you."

"Go back to your meeting, they're probably wondering where you went," but he doesn't make any move.

"We both know I couldn't care less about the meeting when you're hurt and panicked," he cups my cheek and soothingly rubs his thumb on it.

"I'm okay, I really am!" I try to convince both of us.

"You haven't been sleeping for weeks now," he suddenly says, his voice still monotone.

"I-I have, it's just sometimes school gets in the way and-"

"You have not been sleeping."

I sigh and lower my head, "I haven't been sleeping."

Before he could say anything, a person barges into the kitchen causing Ace to push my behind him and glare at one of his coworkers that enters.

"You coming or not King?"

He looks at me hesitant and I tell him softly, "go, I'll be here when you're free," offering a small smile.

He nods and leaves with the guy while I go sit with the 30 year old women talking about their mid life crisis.

"Glad you could join us! Never knew mister King would go for a younger girl like you," and oh boy, here we go.

The three hours I had to spend listening to their stories about their affairs and sexual experiences made me need holy water. So I'm just googling where to get holy water from while Ace finishes out some paper work in his office.

"Holy water? You barley have any dirtiness in you, it's almost aggravating," I jump slightly when I hear Ace's voice from behind.

"Never again am I going off with these women again. It's like a car crash, they're so bad but I couldn't stop listening," i run my hands up and down my face while he laughs and plops beside me.

When I shut the laptop and place it aside, I position myself to face Ace since he looked like something was bothering him.

"Why didn't you tell me you weren't sleeping earlier?"

"The whole point of me not sleeping is to not worry you! I don't want you to be my babysitter Ace, I want to do things on my own," I exclaim, getting frustrated.

"I'm not your babysitter, I'm your boyfriend. And trust me, you do many things on your own that it makes me feel useless. You're not a bother, you keep me sane at all times. Besides, my room gets huge and lonely, stay with me," he takes a hold of my hands, looking deeply in my eyes.

"Yes sir."

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