Day 12- Royalty

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two kings of bordering lands
who met in pretense
of negotiating an allyship
to provide arms and defense

From his seat across the table, Atem gazes at the king. His wife stands at his side. She is beautiful- auburn hair that reaches just above her shoulders. Her eyes reflect the clearest lake when Ra shines high above the sky. Her body is only adorned by a loose dress, snatched around the waist with a satin belt, as well as a thin gold bracelet and necklace. Atem has heard stories of her kindness and of how loved she is by her people. She is truly beautiful.

And yet, no matter how much Atem watches them, her husband does not pay her much mind.

a king of the east
noble and fair
the power of the gods at his hands
as his people go down in prayer

From his seat across the table, Yugi gazes at the Pharoah. His queen is at his side, standing silently with her arms crossed. Her gaze is sharp and wise. She looks over the Pharoah's shoulder to their papers and hums. Her long, jet black hair falls over her chest. The jewels in her hair sparkle whenever she makes the slightest move. Yugi has heard that she is as fair as her Pharoah, and "not as high-and-mighty as the last queen." She is truly beautiful.

And yet, no matter how much Yugi watches them, her Pharoah does not pay her much mind.

a king of the west
kind and loving to all
wide eyes and golden heart
humble, almost to a fault

Their eyes meet and stay on each other for perhaps too long. Even when the translator between them speaks, they find that they can't focus on anything outside of each other. Yugi watches the Pharoah's not-at-all subtle gaze travel slowly across his body when he knows Yugi is watching him. Yugi shivers and swallows back the desire in his throat. In return, he stares at the Pharoah's mouth when he speaks and not-at-all subtly licks his own. It's a game now, to see which of them will stop and back down first.

And neither of them are willing to lose.

and when they crossed together
like two twin comets in the sky
there was a love to be found
and then hidden for all time

That night, when they retire, the Pharoah offers a room in his palace for the king and his wife. They accept their host's generosity and dine on what his servants have prepared. They laugh and trade stories, asking questions regarding their respective kingdoms. During the dinner, Yugi stares right into the Pharoah's eyes when he takes a too-careless drink of his wine. It slips past his mouth and dribbles down his chin. Before it can fall, he takes his thumb and collects it, racing the drop back up to his mouth where he sucks his thumb clean. He watches as something flashes in the Pharoah's eyes -promise? hunger?- before looking away and eating his meal.

to be hidden from wives and townsfolk
to be continued till death
and when the night welcomes them in her arms
they find the warmth of a lover's breath

The night finds them in the Pharoah's bed. Yugi revels in the softness of the sheets and the cool night's draft that comes in through the window. It feels heavenly against his heated skin. Atem had told him to come with him to his room, there was still more to discuss, and Yugi had agreed. Both could barely contain their excitement as they walked through the halls.

"What would your wife say," he hears Atem mumble, more to himself, in his own language.

"What would yours?" Yugi whispers back in the same language. Atem groans and pulls himself closer.

Of course he would know Atem's tongue. Such a brilliant man, as he's been told.

That night, and in many more, the Pharoah, god among his people, finds himself kissing his own prayers against Yugi's skin. Worshiping. That night, and in many more, Yugi finds himself letting himself receive worship along his body.

i, his Pharoah, who finds love
so complete in his arms
and i, his king, who finds love
unresistible with his charm

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